Manual and Automation Testing Part I (questions & Answer 500)

 Manual and Automation Testing Part I (questions & Answer 500)

1) Why do you want to pursue your career in the field of software testing?

Answer: Based on my research, it is compulsory for any product to be of good quality to sustain in a

market. To gain satisfaction and confidence in the quality of services or products, from the end -user, we must

verify that product behave s as expected and outperforms the desired quality standards. To gain

excellence and value for money spent, we should offer the best quality products and services to our

clients. I strongly believe that software testing decides the me assures of product quality and


As I always look for quality rather than features rich product, that do not perform as expected. That is the

main reason why I decided to pursue in the software testing domain.

2) Please explain your nature, habits, or likes that you think you are the right candidate for the


Answer: From my childhood, I was curious about how things work, I used to ask many questions to my

parents on why, how, and what about the things. During my school and college days, I was debating on

many topics, reading books, and searching libraries and the internet to understand and find out reasons and

Answers to many of my questions. I used to visit my mentors often to know and discuss my queries.

Based on my knowledge seeking nature and desire for perfection, I think I am right candidate for

software testing

3) Why should we test?

Answer: It is essential to test to verify that The product or software built behave s as expected by the

customer, meets or exceeds the expectations.

Personal information shared by the end-user is secured while using the product, application, or services. The

features provided in the application perform as per expectation and requirement.

The product has no serious anomalies.

By testing an application, any deviation from expected behavior can be identified and reported to the


4) What do you mean by testing?

Answer: Testing is a process of running an application to identify any defects that breaks the

functionality, Features provided in software offer results as expected,System securely display output as

quickly as possible.Software features should display same output and behave as expected every

repeated instance of running it.

The software can be tested manually by testers or can run automatically using a script and follow steps

that tester execute to test the application.

5) What are the features you check before you purchase the mobile?

Answer: Priority will be the price of a mobile, but various features to check before we make our ch oice for our

dream mobile will be

Display – Screen size, resolution, browser support, movable keypad, reliable network connectivity.

Storage – capacity to store large files, images, documents, downloaded programs

Battery – long-lasting and quick charging batteries that should be easily available in market.

Processing power – for remote work situations should able to process designing graphical images,

presentation, comfortable keypad, file sharing options.

Ease of use – for elderly or novice, helpful settings, and configuration.

Camera– with high-quality picture, zoom effects, large pixel resolution.

Accessories should include the charger, battery, hands free and screen guard

The warranty should include any online help in case of difficulty to use mobile, re pair of mobile due to

hardware fault or replacement of mobile set.

6) What do you mean by quality?

Answer: Quality of a product or service can be defined as a level of reliability that meets or exceeds

expectations of end-user. For Example, the taste of Amul ice cream or any of the dairy products

available in the market produced by Amul is reliable for the quality, new products introduced in market also

exceed the expectation.

7) What do you mean by performance?

Answer: Performance of a product or service is a measure of achieving continuously preferred results in the

most efficient and effective way. For Example, Toyota Motor Corporation produces cars that run

more mileage with less fuel consumption and produce lesser pollution.

8) Can you write possible test cases for a pencil?

Answer: Following are possible test cases for pencil

1. Check the length of a pencil, strength of the outer wooden body,

2. Check thickness and resilience of graphite material (one type of crystalline carbon black in color)

3. Check readability after writing text using pencil

4. Check if written on different types of paper, cloth, or wood.

5. Check how many meters can be written with the available graphite material in single pencil.

6. Check the written text on paper is erasable with a normal rubber eraser.

7. Check if a normal sharpener can sharpen the pencil or not

8. Check if you can write after graphite is dipped in water, oil or dust.

9. Check if the name of the company written has correct spelling printed on pencil or not .

10. Check if graphite are not broken already or brittle.

9) What do you test in One Time Password (OTP) creation application?

Answer: Before processing online financial transactions, a bank will send One Time password (OTP) on the

registered mobile number of the customer trying to send money to the payee. OTP sent on mobile or an

email address acts as a measure to verify that person is genuine.

The following are possible scenarios for OTP received on mobile. 1.

OTP should be received within the specific time period,

2. OTP must only be received over the registered mobile number or email address provided 3.

Previously sent OTP if used should not allow any transaction

4. Expired OTP should not be used in any transaction

5. Already used OTP cannot be reapplied for any other transactions.

6. There should be a facility to receive OTP again.

7. The resent OTP should not match with any of the previously sent or future OTP.

8. OTP should be case sensitive and should not be accepted if not used exactly as receive d on mobile or


10) What are the essentials of software testing?

Answer: Following are important artifacts essential for testing any software application

Test strategy is high-level document that defines test approach for the software, what features are essential

to test (objective of testing), how to test (methodology), Types of testing to be carried out, and execution of


Test plan decides which tests are for manual testing and which one is for automated testing

(distribution of testing task), Who will test what(test schedule), and when to start testing and end testing

(duration within which testing should complete)

Test cases are scenarios with steps to be carried out, mapped to requirements with the expected

output, to be carried out during testing of an application with status for each scenario, based on the actual

result. Test cases can be executed manually or converted into scripts to be executed with the help of tools

like selenium or QTP.

Test Data is the valid values that are fed to an application as inputs while running an application in

order to test it. It is mandatory to design valid test data as per the scenario that results in expected

output. In case the actual output differs from the expected output, the deviation is reported as a bug in the

defect management system.

Test Environment is a system configured that mimic or match to system specifications at the client, in

order to run software on this system to verify how the system at client be have for the tests and use cases.

11) What is required for the tester to know before testing software applications?

Answer: In order to test, a tester should first understand

The requirements and output expected by using a software application and from software requirement

document approved by the customer and project owner

How software works, domain knowledge (software used in specific discipline or field such as e -

commerce, Banking, Insurance, Enterprise Resources planning, Gaming, Education or training, or Search - based


Whether the software is desktop based or web based

What are the features and its functionality,

How many input forms to be filled in, what are the input fields and their valid values,

How user interface elements like text field, radio button, checkbox, drop -down list, buttons and their types

(submit, reset, cancel) functions.

What to expect in an output form.

Working of computer, types of networks.

In case of desktop application, what technology is used in developing a software How

to install the software?

What technology is used in building user interface? (HTML, XHTML, JSP, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript,


Where reference data gets stored, where data for analysis will be uploaded and then processed What

database type is used to store data?

12) What are desktop applications?

Answer: Desktop applications are those software that can be installed on standalone machine called as client

machine (desktop or laptop). These software use native resources of standalone machine such as network,

CPU, memory and storage, in order to perform specific task for which they are designed for.

Desktop applications are designed to run on standalone machine, by single user. Multiple users can

access the printer, scanners if they are LAN connected with desktop applications.

Some Examples of desktop application are Windows file explorer – to access files stored on hard drive of local

machine, Microsoft’s office applications such as word, excel, PowerPoint to write and access

documents, generate tabular reports on finance and design presentations, Web browsers to access

websites and searching information on the internet.

13) How to test desktop applications?

Answer: Desktop applications are feature-based applications, where users should be proficient in

operating such applications, understand its features, accessing the menu, submenu. Software’s features

can be tested with Graphical user interface tests, end to end testing, and functional testing. Non -

functional testing will depend on stand-alone machine’s limited resources such as CPU, memory,

storage, accessing files, or use features like printer/scanner if desktop applications are connected in local


14) What are web-based applications?

Answer: Web-based application need web server in order to host them, visitors need interne t

connection and need a browser to access the web site, and internally web sites process user requests and

send responses via hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Multiple users can access same feature of web

application at same time simultaneously.

Examples of web-based application are e-commerce portals for online purchase of products of our choice

(, Flipkart,, websites of most of the companies, universities, search engines


15) How to test web-based applications?

Answer: web-based applications require browsers such as (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari,

Opera), and a reliable internet connection to explore. Web-based applications can be tested for

functionality testing for any invalid page redirects, broken links, page not displaying.

Working of web elements such as input field, drop-down list, checkbox, radio button, submit button. verify for

valid input data entered, methods used while data submits, compatibility tests for browsers

used, performance to test latency (time taken to access pages), delay in opening next pages or output, and

Security testing for verifying login for authentication.

16) What are anomalies in software?

Answer: Anomalies are something that deviates from normal, standard or expected. Based on different

situations anomalies are termed as listed below

Error – When the developer identifies mistakes in his code, he says Error for the anomaly.

Defect – When Tester discovers and reports the anomaly, he says Defect to the anomaly.

Bug – When the reported defect is accepted by the developer, it is called Bug.

Failure – When software build does not meet requirements, it is called a failure by the product owner.

Wrong – when there is a deviation from specification or requirements not understood, the anomaly is

termed as wrong

Missing – when a feature is missing after the software is deployed at the client site, it is said features are


Extra – when the developer produces the feature more than the requirement, it is calle d an extra

feature. It will be termed as an anomaly as you are giving what is not asked for.

17) What are the types of defects in software applications?

Answer: Various defects found in the software are as listed below

Arithmetic defects – are numerical data related defects, like not displaying decimal points in case of banking,

scientific, or e-commerce sites, these defects occur due to mistakes from the developer side.

Logical defects – are due to not understanding business logic for the required output , like if age >=18 you will

get driving license, in case developer reverses the condition, even with age equal to or greater than 18, you

won’t get a license, but will get for age less than 18 years, that adversely affect real -time situation.

Syntax defects – occur if the condition required is not applied properly by developer, like in software

that corrects grammar in sentence, say to locate vowels in sentence i.e. word beginning with a, e, i, o,

and u characters, will be a vowel, and should proceed with letter ‘an’. If developer forgets to enforce

this condition, vowel can’t be found or corrected if ‘an’ is not preceding it.

Multithreading defects – multithreading is an ability of CPU to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. If

developer cannot able to produce such ability programmatically, then application cannot execute multi-

tasking, such as downloading an image in web page and rendering it on screen.

Interface defects – If developer cannot maintain order in which data flow should follow or page

displayed after current displayed page, then it is called interface related defect.

Performance defects – If latency (delay in displaying page) is too high, if server crashes during multiuser

access, these are Examples of performance defect. This can affect adver sely and user will not return

back to website.

18) How many different ways you can testsoftware?

Answer: There are two possible way software can be tested, Manual and automation.

Manual testing – a tester will run the software and follows the steps desc ribed in test case in order to verify

the requirement, in manual testing tester has to sit in front of software and test it without any

tool, as well record test status manually.

Automation testing – a tester writes a script that gets executed with help of automation tool which follows

the steps described in test case in order to verify the requirement, the test results are also recorded

automatically without any manual intervention.

Automation tools like selenium, UFT, JUnit are used with script written in Java, Ruby, python, and C++ etc.


19) What is expected from the testing team on testing a software application?

Answer: It is expected while testing a software, tester should reveal all the defects and deviations from

requirements, while running an application such that it should break. Tester should understand domain

knowledge, able to design actual scenarios, conditions that are not thought of and not handled by

developer, able to configure specifications and preconditions to verify how appli cation performs. Have

analytical knowledge and logical thinking; think out of box while testing software.

20) What is Unit testing?

Answer: Unit testing is primary test level, one way is static testing, where code is verified for syntax,

rules followed by organization which is conducted by developer, second way is dynamic testing where small

snippet of code is debug (tested) with sample test data to validate the output. Various tools for unit testing

are JUnit, Hansel, and Testing are used to verify code coverage.

21) What is sanity testing?

Answer: When application build is released after bugs fixed from the developer, and or changes due to

additional requirement, the testing carried out is called sanity test, to verify that bugs are fixed, still

functionality is in place, and no new bugs or defects are observed. In case while running sanity tests, bugs

still exists, testers can reject the build.

Example of sanity test can be like remember me checkbox was installed against the bug raised, but

forget password link stops working, then it is a new bug.

22) What is smoke testing?

Answer: When software build is released, tester conducts primary tests like all the menus and submenus are

clickable, and display the corresponding page, tester make sure that mod ules and feature are

present in application, and there is absence of ‘Page Not found’ message while accessing any page,

Forms and Pages have all usable web elements and display stable pages.

Example, drop down list in all the input form does not display it ems for user to select, due to any

reason, this if found during the smoke test, then tester will stop testing and can reject the build by

informing the short coming to development team.

23) What is exploratory testing?

Answer: Tester use testing experience, while testing an application, explores the features and learn

about how the application works, during testing, he makes note of how the application be have s, and

such tests are called exploratory testing. The requirement document is absent, and testers are exposed to the

application first time, without any test cases created.

24) What is integration testing?

Answer: Integration testing is the second level of testing after unit testing, where different modules are

combined together and then tested for verifying that data flow in sync between the modules and there

is no a broken page or failed functionality.

Example –During integration testing, IRCTC site can be checked where after searching train, booking

seats in particular train, when payment gateway , which is integrated in to application found not


25) What is system testing?

Answer: System testing is the third level of testing after integration testing, where the application under

test is tested for an end to end functionality, to confirm that it works as desired.

Example – matrimonial portal can be tested from registration, searching candidate, receiving contact details

and meet or fix appointments with prospects.

26) What is Interface testing?

Answer: Interface testing is a verifying communication and data transfer between two different

systems, where interface can be API or web services.

Example – Booking air tickets using ticketing portals like, where ticket is booked using web

service of the airlines showing flight time, destinations, availability of seats and fare to travel to

destination from starting point.

27) What is Regression testing?

Answer: Regression testing is conducted on the build after bugs are fixed build, to validate that code change

to fix bug has not adversely affected functionality and there should not be another defect.

28) What is Alpha testing?

Answer: Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing, where testers are employees of an organization

who has built the application, these tests are conducte d to verify that all the issues found have been

resolved and have not reoccurred, before releasing to the client.

29) What is Beta testing?

Answer: Beta testing is tests conducted at the client’s site after application is deployed and handed over to

client. These tests include usability, functionality, and reliability of application.

30) What is performance testing?

Answer: Performance testing falls under non-functional testing type, where latency (speed or delay in

accessing or loading a page), responsiveness and stability of application, network, stress or load tests are

carried out to check efficiency/performance of application.

31) What is Load testing?

Answer: Load testing is one form of non-functional testing, in which behavior of application is observed when it

is exposed to load.

Example, verifying behavior of Netflix portal during movie streaming by viewers between evening 7 pm

to 9 pm in any time zone.

32) What is Stress testing?

Answer: This non-functional testing is conducted by subjecting an application to overload in order to verify

till how long system is sustaining to the stress, hence the name – Stress testing.

Example – during amazon festive season sale, subjected to overload when users multifold times than

expected will access the portal and book a newly arrived mobile, there by website server may fail to handle

such a heavy load.

33) What is Security testing?

Answer: Security testing is a testing of an application against malpractice from hacker, how effective

protective software like firewall or antivirus installed are in data protection, and vulnerabilities of login system

by sql injection.

34) What is Static testing?

Answer: Software or an application is tested without executing code, such as Code Review, coverage

that business logic is properly taken care is called Static testing. Variable declared but not used in code,

undefined variables, unreachable code, syntax violations and code structure approved in organization.

Tools like code compare, coverity, parasoft are used for s tatic code analysis

35) What is dynamic testing?

Answer: For dynamic testing, application should have compiled code and executed in order to run

application, various parameters such as CPU, memory, latency or time taken for output, are analyzed and

recorded. Valid input values are prepared and expected output values are listed as requirement.

Main test types included in dynamic testing are functional and non-functional testing. test level

included in dynamic testing are Unit, integration, system and accep tance testing.

36) What is Compatibility testing?

Answer: Compatibility testing are conducted to verify that software runs on various environments,

operating systems without any conflicts. Compatibility of an application is tested across different

Hardware configuration, operating systems like Ubuntu, Linux, windows, MacOS, Network, Browsers like firefox,

chrome, opera, safari, various devices like desktop pc, laptop pc, mobile, etc.

37) What is Reliability testing?

Answer: Reliability testing is carried out in order to confirm that software display reliable output that is same

irrespective of test environment, operating system, browser etc.

38) What is Compliance testing?

Answer: Compliance testing is a non-functional test that validates that the software designed meets all the

prescribed standards as described in requirement document. for Example Vehicles in North America are made

according to Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA 1999), under this act

Environment Canada has an authority to regulate emission from on-road engines.

39) What is Localization testing?

Answer: Localization tests verify that application can be used in specific region. The test include user

interface, language, currency format, date and time format for that specific continent or country having

particular language dominance.

Example, In case software developed specific for middle east, language will be Arabic, currency being riyal

and dirham for united arab emirates. date format in Saudi Arabia is dd/mm/yyyy.

40) What is test case?

Answer: test case is set of instructions and steps to be followed to validate particular feature should fulfill

requirement specified in software requirement document. test cases can be derived from

requirement traceability matrix, which is derived from requirement document.

41) What columns are present in test case template?

Answer: test case template should have details common across test case such as test case created by,

tested by, tested on, module name tested with their details. Test case template should contain columns as

listed and explained below

Test case id – unique identification of test case

Requirement Traceability Matrix id – test case scenarios or condition mapped with RTM id. Test

scenario – short description of what should be tested eg. user should able to log in

Pre Requisite – assumption for test to carry out, such as application log in page is already displayed in

browser or desktop.

Test steps – steps to follow in order to test the scenario, manually or using scri pt automatically

Test data used – valid test data created specific to the scenario eg. username – admin and password

test123 to be used

Expected Result – what is expected from the feature being tested e.g. welcome page with menus of other

features should be displayed after user successfully logged in to the application.

Actual Result- what is actual output or result after testing application, this is to be filled in by tester Status –

If there is difference between actual and expected result test will fail, else test will pass

Remarks – In case test fails, bug report details can be mentioned here.

42) What columns are important in testcase?

Answer: Important columns in test case common across IT industry are as below

test case id, test scenario, description, prerequisite, test steps, test data, expected result, actual result, status,


43) What test case management tool have you used?

Answer: test case management tools I have used are testlink, JIRA.

44) What is use case?

Answer: Use case describes how person utilizes system or process to achieve his goal. it helps to assess

entire process, which part of the process is error prone. Main elements of use case are Actor, System

and Goal. Stakeholders, preconditions, and triggers are additional element s of the use case.

45) Explain main elements of use case.

Answer: main elements of use case are Actor, System and Goal.

Actor in Use case – is an end user, single or group of people, interacting with a process

System is the process required to reach final outcome.

Goal is successful user outcome.

46) What is test scenario?

Answer: Test scenario is functionality or feature that can be tested. It also provides high level idea of what

need to be tested, in order to create scenario we need set of test case s where we can understand features of

application and any short comings of application.

47) What is a positive test case?

Answer: positive test cases ensure that using valid data, application performs required output as

expected or not. With positive test case, tester decides that feature provided works if provided with valid

test data.

48) What is a negative test case?

Answer: negative test cases are performed to try break the system, by providing invalid data, or

following path not proposed, main intension here is to uncover hidden defects, that are otherwise remain

in the software.

49) What is Behavior Driven Testing?

Answer: behavior driven testing focuses more on user behavior in certain conditions (say how printing a

document in case he receives a message for “page area out of margin” =- how will he reacts..., normally)

rather than technical functionality of software.

50) What is Acceptance Testing?

Answer: Acceptance testing is final level in software testing, where purpose of test is to anal yze if

software features are in compliance with business requirement, and can we deliver to the client, does all

features functions as expected, and with the features can we deploy software on production


51) What is Vulnerability testing?

Answer: vulnerability testing are assessment of software and underlined infrastructure, to reveal security

loopholes or risks that are critical present in software due to which some loss should be incurred.

Example – some application requires end user’s email address as username as log in credential,

registering email can offer a risk of receiving unsolicited mails.

52) What is black box testing?

Answer: When we test application without worrying or having knowledge about details of

implementation, how internal code structure applied to software to achieve required output. it is called

black box testing. This type of testing is carried out mainly by testers. Some of the testing techniques

for black box testing are Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value An alysis, and Cause Effect Testing.

53) What is white box testing?

Answer: when internal implementation and internal code structure are known to the tester, while

testing an application, it is called white box testing. White box testing involves code veri fication for security

holes, poorly structured code process path, data flow of inputs in code, conditional loop,

testing of statement, object, and functions in each code class. Some of the testing techniques for white box

testing are Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage, Decision, Condition, Control flow and Data flow testing.

54) What is grey box testing?

Answer: When tester has partial knowledge of internal working and features of an application. Grey box testing

is conducted to find defects due to code structure, improper functionality and missing condition in the feature.

Various techniques used in grey box testing are Matrix testing, regression testing,

orthogonal array testing, pattern testing.

55) What are the different levels of testing?

Answer: In Software Development Life Cycle, there are mainly four testing levels –starting from Unit testing,

followed by Integration testing, System testing, and finally user Acceptance testing.

56) Explain integration testing of modules in real life Example ?

Answer: When testers testing of various modules that are linked together in order to accomplish

features expected to accomplish. Testing modules in combination are called integration tests.

Example – After log in to Amazon portal, user can view his orders history, pending orders, Amazon

wallet details, Prime videos streamed from where he can re order already procured item using his wallet

balance amount as well as check video or movies already streamed. Integration tests require tester to

check log in details of a user, that has placed orders and has purchased from amazon in past, also

should be a prime member to avail facility like music, movie and free of charge deliveries.

57) What is Top Down Approach?

Answer: Top Down Approach of testing is breaking down complex module into smaller portions till it

becomes easy for assessment.

Example – Top management forms rules for organization, middle level management and lower level

employees has to follow the rules enforced.

58) What is Stub in Top Down Approach of integration testing?

Answer: Stubs are the called programs that temporarily replace the missing modules, help in testing

integration testing, where flow of data is takes place from Top to down approach.

59) What is Bottom UpApproach?

Answer: Bottom Up Approach of testing is combining smaller modules which are easy to test, into larger single

complex module.

Example – Small group of students assess the situation or problem, find solution to resolve it. The

solution is discussed with teachers and then applied to other groups, and on successful outcome,

becomes appeal to higher management, who can make it implementation.

60) Whatis Driver in Bottom Up Approach of integration testing?

Answer: Test Drivers are calling modules that are temporary replacement of upper level module that are

not yet integrated. Drivers fill the gap of absence of modules to verify flow of data to higher level


61) What is GUI or UI testing?

Answer: GUI ie. Graphical User interface, relates to frame or screen displ ayed to end user as an

interface that makes them easier to access an application or software. In case of desktop application,

Microsoft office or paint opens up user interface when paint.exe file gets executed, In case of web based

application, all the portals that opens index.html page where user can check all general

information about the website, and has login and signup links, allowing new user to register and existing user to

log in.

62) What is functional testing?

Answer: Functional testing is test working of web elements; drop down, buttons, check box or radio

button, and features of an application. Functional testing is categorized into various types such as unit test,

integration tests, GUI tests, localization tests, usability tests, regression te sts, system tests.

Example: on clicking print button, a pop menu should display showing existing page and print

configuration window, with print button. On clicking on print button, contents such as text, images or

spreadsheets on selected page should be sent for printing.

63) What is non-functional testing?

Answer: Nonfunctional testing deals with testing parameters other than features of an application, these

include performance, reliability, security, integrity, scalability, portability, etc.

Example: In case of desktop software say calculator, how quickly it displays an output, for multiplication

of four digit numerals. In web based application, how quickly an image is rendered on the webpage, or if

site is available 24×7 or is subjected to frequent maintenance, making it non-available to end users.

64) What is requirement traceability matrix?

Answer: requirement traceability matrix (RTM) is a document that maps test cases with the

requirements discussed in software requirement document. RTM is a single document that make sure

that all the requirements are mapped and are covered and has test cases corresponding to the


65) What is the defect traceability matrix?

Answer: Defect traceability matrix is a document that maps defects if any with corresponding test cases,

this document helps to trace defects, test cases and requirements thereby gives an idea of whether

defects have been resolved or not, if resolved and build is received, then test cases selected for

regression tests corresponding to this defect and some integration test cases to make sure defect has been


66) What are the techniques used in test design?

Answer: Following are few techniques used in test case design i)

Equivalence Partitioning

ii) Boundary Value Analysis

iii) Decision Table

iv) State Transition

v) ErrorGuessing

67) Give Example of Equivalence Class Partition.


Test Scenario- In order to get a driving license the age of applicant should be between 18 to 49 years.

There will be 3 (three) partition where tester should check possibility i) If

applicant’s age is less than or equal to 17 years – Invalid

ii) If applicant’s age is between 18 to 49 years. – Valid

iii) If applicant’s age is greater than or equal to 50 – Invalid

So there will be 3 possible scenarios where only one valid group of applicant having age is between 18 to 49

years, will get driving license.

68) Give Example of Boundary value analysis

Test Scenario- In order to get a driver’s license, the age range should be between 18 to 49 years.

Boundary values to be verified here is

First Boundary value

Minimum age – 1 i.e. 18-1 = 17 years – invalid age

Second Boundary value

Minimum i.e. 18 years, minimum +1 i.e. 19 years, maximum -1 i.e. 48 years, and maximum i.e. 49 years (18,

19, 48, 49) – Valid values for age criteria

Third Boundary value

Maximum +1 = 50 years – invalid age

69) Give Example of Decision Table


Scenario – You want to buy headphone and have budget Rs.1000

You have following buying options

i) Vijay Sales

ii) Reliance Digital

iii) Chroma

iv) Amazon

Based on Answers to the following queries, we will be able to decide

Where should we buy headphone from

Can take trials before purchase

Have EMI options

Accepts Credit Cards

Accepts Cash on Delivery

Do they have return policy

Have Item in your budget?

Find Decision table





Digital Chroma

Can take trials before purchase Yes Yes Yes No

Have EMI options Yes No No Yes

Accepts Credit Cards Yes Yes Yes Yes

Accepts Cash on Delivery No No No Yes

Do they have return policy Yes No Yes No

Have Item in your budget? Yes Yes No Yes

70) Can you explain Defect Life Cycle?

Answer: When tester finds a defect while testing application, he will confirm deviation with expected result,

registers defect (bug) in bug management tool like Bugzilla or JIRA. Bug status will be ‘New’, If defect is not

agreed by product team or developer, its status will become ‘Rejected’.

When developer agrees with the defect in application, when assigned to developer, bug status will be

‘Open’, If Developer does not agree to the defect; its status will be ‘Deferred’.

‘Open’ bugs when resolved by developer its status becomes ‘Fixed’, once the bugs are fixed and build is

retested for regression testing, defect is verified, i f defect is not resolved, bug will be ‘Reopen’, which will be

reassigned to the developer for fixing. if defect is resolved and confirmed by tester then Bug

status will be ‘Closed’.

71) What is Defect severity?

Answer: Severity of bug is an extreme level of damage like financial loss, company’s reputation and loss of

life, due to presence of the bug. Example such as if point of sales machine does not function as

expected, and does not dispense bill, thereby customer may not pay the amount for the purchases, in

such situation, the defect due to which bills are not displaying amount of purchase, is termed as severe test

case, as due to such defect, there will be huge financial loss. Further say, infrared machine that

used for removing decay in the teeth malfunction and damages the jaw of patient, it may result into loss of life.

Defect severity are categorized into following levels

Blocker – Due to this defect type, it becomes impossible to further run the application, there for the name –


Critical – There are some workarounds to accomplish the task, e.g. pdf format of file type is not

downloaded, whereas word type is possible.

Major – some error may lead to understanding the title or content by end user, e.g. software display s title

and content in English, but does not display some of the title in Arabic language, but display it in English


Minor – there are some defects which has very minor impact on functionality of application, e.g. missing space

between words, commas are missed in sentences.

Low -These defects does not impact at all, however if fixed it will be aesthetically pleasing, eg. Size of button,

form border go out of screen and need to scroll in order to view the content.

72) What is Defect priority?

Answer: Priority gives a need of urgency to fix or resolve the defect,

Example can be if a reputed pen manufactures company while printing the pen model or company name will

wrong spellings, then such bugs should be fixed on priority basis.

Defect priority are categorized into following levels

Urgent – this must be fixed immediately e.g. payment gateway pages not displaying, or conformance of order

processed not sent via email or sms, or transaction records not printed in account details in

banking software.

High – this should be resolved in subsequent releases, e.g. presentation or video does not have

company logo or has written content, but does not have voice that narrates above content.

Medium – should be fixed based on the level of severity- eg. Error occurring while user updates his mobile

number, while communication has options such as his email and mobile.

Low – May or may not be fixed e.g. spelling or grammar mistake in introductory page of portal, as long as

meaning is conveyed to the audience.

73) Difference between quality assurance and quality control.

Answer: Quality assurance (QA) is targeted for avoiding defect, whereas quality control (QC) is aimed at

identify defect and fix these defects. QA is process focused whereas QC is end product focused. Quality

Assurance team usually in manufacturing industry gathers certification related to quality of raw

materials used, machineries used in processing the end product and final product. Whereas Quality

Control team is software testers inspects by running or analyzing steps followed in products and

services to make sure that it is working fine as per expected standards.

74) What is difference between inspection and audit?

Answer: Inspection is an observation where a site is expected to perform or follow standards as

compliance obligations, whereas audit is a process of checking if obligations are met or not.

Inspections are simple, quantitative and help create actions, whereas audits are complex, qualitative and

forms recommendations.

75) What is Quality assessment measurement?

Answer: It is a analysis to observe deviation between actual performance and expected performance.

Basis of assessment is an improvement in actual performance, whether new hardware, or additional

storage capacity or memory improvement or line of code that does not consume processing power, but

quickly display output.

76) What is test management measurement?

Answer: It is important for test managers to keep an account of test procedures followed, test plan, test

methodology, justification of number of test cases required to be conducted manually in order to verify

complete feature coverage, and why these manual test case not able to be carried out using script,

automatically, and finally after executing said number of tests both manua l and automatically, how many

defects have been captured. There are various test management tools that help manager with reports on

what is optimum effort put in testing and what is final outcome. These tools have built-in test ware

management; test scheduling, test tracking, incident management, and test reporting.

77) What is test maturity model?

Answer: Based on the level of maturity model i.e. implementation of various processes of software life cycle,

adherence of procedures even during critical and crisis situation is called test maturity model.

78) How is level of software development organizations decided?

Answer: Based on Capability Maturity Model (CMM), software development organization’s level are

decided. There are five levels

Level 1 – there is an ad hoc testing, chaotic work culture and no adherence to process during time of crisis,

they always use new and undocumented repeat process during software life cycle.

Level 2 – The processes are defined and same steps are repeated during each new p roject.

Level 3 – There is standard business process in each of the defined processes followed without any


Level 4 – The mapping of the processes are managed accordance with agreed upon metrics.

Level 5 – there is regular and frequent process optimization and improvement during process


79) What is Process Capability Measurement?

Answer: There is ameasure of process capability calculated using specification limits and standard

deviation of the process, which is Cp index. Most companies require Process Cp = 1.33 or greater.

80) What is difference between Corrective actions and preventive actions?

Answer: The term used in short is CAPA, stands for Corrective Action Preventive Action.

Corrective Action Preventive Action (CAPA) is a process which

investigates and solves problems,

identifies causes,

takes corrective action and

Prevents recurrence of the root causes.

Example – when we fall sick, we seek medical attention, and health care specialist offer us remedy and relief,

but what if we do not get relief or do not recover. We ask for corrective actions and we think of preventive

action as well.

81) What is Software Testing Life Cycle?

Answer: Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a sequence of activities performed by testers such as

Requirement & Analysis – Understanding the client’s requirement and what actually requires, How to test

the requirements,

Test Planning – what should be tested in an application, How and who will test the application

Test Case Design – test scenarios, mapping with requirement traceability matrix, test case creation, and test

data used

Test Environment Setup – what hardware and software need to install or configure to build test


Test Execution – running the application in order to verify features as per test case designed, reporting bugs,

track the bugs and regression test till it gets resolved.

Test Closure – Creation of test reports, total bugs pending, critical bugs if any, justification for releasing

application to client.

82) What is Requirement Specification Document?

Answer: Document approved by customers and project owners that describe, what is expected from the

software to perform, how many features and functionality, what is requirement ( what to

verify/validate). In short, Software requirement specification document has a purpose for software to be built,

description of software to accomplish and requirement in specific required to fulfill using the software.

83) What documents will you refer to understand about features in the software?

Answer: In order to understand features and their functionality we refer requirement document (SRS).

In order to understand overview of data flow, integration between systems, we should refer design

document, For understanding documentation on code, algorithms, interfaces and APIs used in software

technical documents or process documentation containing UML diagrams, How end user will use the

software we can find from user manual, and finally how to install the software can be found from

installation guide of the software.

84) What is a virus?

Answer: computer virus is a type of computer program that if found in network and get installed in our

computer, it will infect all other software present in our computer, and make them malfunction (does not

function as expected, or stop to work). It is compulsory to remove this virus from the computer, in order to

safely execute and perform our tasks as desired.

85) How antivirus program works?

Answer: Antivirus programs prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, worms, and

Trojan horses. Various Antivirus programs available in market are Norton Antivirus Plus 2020,

McAfee Total protection, Quick Heal etc.

86) Give few Examples of sensitive information can be shared across network?

Answer: There are many incidents where we unknowingly share our information across network; they are

our email address- we may receive spam messages i.e. messages for which we have not granted

permission to receive. they may contain, files attached that if op ened may contain virus, or may have

damaging software. Our mobile number is second confidential information, we may receive calls from persons

we don’t know, they may harass us by calling at any time, demanding donations, or try to send sms

messages, may use our email and mobile number against our knowledge in criminal and unlawful

activities. Our credit card details like 16 digits number, pin number – this will drain our all the money from our

account and we will be unaware until collection agencies knock our doors, or we receive the

withdrawal notice via mail or mobile number. Our pictures or anything that may be used against our self esteem

over Social media platform like Facebook or Instagram are sensitive information.

87) What is IDE and their use ?

Answer: Integrated development environment (IDE) is a tool that facilitates code creation, building the

program and debug (test) the code. IDE brings together text editor, integration of code libraries,

compilers, debugging facility and running the code. IDEsupports various languages and their libraries so

that developers can write code and test their code in IDE itself.

Web based IDEs help creation of web based application using HTML and JavaScript.

88) List name of IDE made of Java.

Answer: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans are some Examples of IDE made from using Java

programming language.

89) Give some Examples of use of Java applets used in your application

Answer: Java applets were used to select local files from client machine in order to proces s them, HTTP

protocol sends these files over to server location.

90) What is required to run Java applet in a browser?

Answer: The Java Runtime environment, JRE is required as plug in in order to run Java applet in a firefox


91) Can you explain methods used in applet life cycle?

Answer: When applet begins following methods are called

init() – init() is first method being called, we can initialize our variables here, init() is called only once during

run time of an applet.

start() – start() method is called after init() has been called, start() is called everytime HTML page is

displayed on screen. start() method help to restart stopped applet.

paint() – paint() method is called when applet begins its execution.paint() method has Graphics param, with

Graphics object, we can draw Shapes.

When an Applet is terminated following methods are called

stop() – stop() method is called by browser or appletviewer to suspect execution of applet

destroy() – destroy() method is called once before browser unloads the applet.

92) What is JRE?

Answer: Java Runtime Environment contains Java Virtual machine, libraries and other components to run

applets and applications written in Java.

JVM + libraries+other components= JRE

93) What is JVM?

Answer: Java virtual machine helps run java bytecodes. when .java file are compiled using javac

compiler into .class file. These .class file contain bytecode understood by Java virtual machine.

94) Why do we need JDK?

Answer: Java Development Kit (JDK) contains JRE and compile rs and debuggers for developing applets and


95) How JRE, JVM and JDK related?


JVM help run java byte codes created by compiling .java files into .class files.

JRE contains JVM (Java Virtual Machine), libraries and other components t o run Java applets and


JDK contains JRE, compilers and debugger (development environment for applications using Java

programming language)

96) List types of class loaders in Java

Answer: Java has 3 kind of class loaders Bootstrap, extension and application class loader.

97) What is a difference between JRE and JVM?

Answer: (Java Runtime Environment) JRE contains Java Virtual Machine (JVM) + Java packages (util, math,

lang, awt, etc) + runtime libraries You need to install JRE on your machine in order to run Java applications

or applets.

Java compiler Javac converts .java file into .class files which contain bytecode, (Java Virtual Machine)

JVM converts bytecode into machine language. JVM is platform dependent, there are different JVM for

different OS, Bytecode converted into machine language for particular machine, executes depending on its

kernel. Without JVM you cannot run Java Applications.

98) What is difference between interpreter and compiler?

Answer: Both compilers and interpreters are used to convert program written in high level language into

machine code understood by computers.

Interpreter converts program one statement at a time, takes less time in analyzing source code, slower than

compiler, there is no intermediate object forme d, hence memory efficient

Compilers scans entire program and then converts it as a whole into machine language, takes more time

analyzing source code, however it is faster than interpreter, generates intermediate object code hence

takes more memory.

Programming languages like JavaScript, Python and Ruby use interpreters

Programming languages like C, C++ and Java use compilers.

99) What exe stands for?

Answer: exe is a filename extension for program that gets executed on Microsoft Windows operating

system. Executable file can be run by a program in Microsoft DOS or Windows through command line or by

double clicking over .exe file using mouse.

COM and BAT are other executable file types in Windows.

100) Give some Examples of executables in Windows

Answer: various programs like mspaint.exe runs paint application on windows machine, forefox.exe runs firefox

browser, MS word exe run document editing software for windows

Adobe Acrobat reader exe file runs to read pdf files in windows.

101) Give name of four Java framework

Answer: Spring, Hibernate, Struts, JSF are some well-known Java framework

102) Can you explain Hibernate framework?

Answer: Hibernate is Object Relational Mapping tool (ORM) that simplifies java application development and

interacts with database. It implements Java Persistence API for data persistence.

103) A type of testing in order to expose defects in the interfaces and in the interaction between

integrated components is?

Answer: Integration Level Testing

104) Identify type of testing wherein we subject the target of the test, to varying workloads to

measure and evaluate the performance behaviors and the ability of the target and the test to continue

to function properly under these different workloads?

Answer: Load Testing

105) What do you ask for in order to purchase computer?

Answer: There are few questions listed below we should ask ourselves and find their Answers before

deciding on purchase of computer,

Desktop or Laptop? – If you get same performance from laptop as well as desktop, it would be cheaper

to purchase desktop, in case you can manage steady workstation and space where you can concentrate

on your study or work. Otherwise if you are required to carry your machine under BYOD (Bring your own

device) policy, able to manage power cables along with you to and from the work on daily basis, laptop may be

right choice.

What is a processor you are looking for? – What Processing power are you looking for, number of cores,

speed of processer, data handled, etc. What is a main purpose of purchasing a computer, for study,

some assignments, or remote work as a developer or tester? or for searching over an internet, for

watching movies or play games.

How much RAM and why? – Random Access Memory or RAM help to speed up the things, multitasking

like loading applications, browsing internet, image editing or experience graphics effect in gaming.

Hard Drive and their capacity, how much you really want? – In order to store more files, you need more

storage, desktop will have more storage capacity than laptop. Based on Gigabytes of Hard drive you

install, you pay more.

Peripherals – Peripherals like USB ports – how many do you need? For keyboard, headphone, printer etc.

HDMI for viewing Television with TV tuner if you want to view it over your computer,

SD slot – SD card in case you want to keep your pictures, process these photos etc. you may need them, with

extra price.

Wi Fi – In case you want to connect your pc with wifi for internet or wifi enabled speakers

Bluetooth – In case you are looking for connecting various appliances using Bluetooth.

What Operating System Mac OS, Windows or Linux – What operating system you are comfortable using your

computer in, type of software loaded, remote work like tech support will only require Linux

operating system, whereas windows may be helpful for various User friendly applications, but may get virus if

not protected with antivirus software.

Play Game, or watch movies or Search internet? What is your purpose of purchasing will matter on how much

you should spend after it.

106) What is a Difference between Regression and Retesting?

Answer: The difference between Regression and Retesting is explained below

Regression testing is the testing of an application that verifies that there is no adverse effect of the

changes made due to defect fix or change request to other areas of application. regression testing

involves test cases other than those that are related to defect or change as per client request, but it

also tests features that directly or indirectly connected with the feature that was rectified by developer

against the defect raised, such as integration tests, test case related to web components and their

functions along with those involved directly with defect raised. Regression testing is usually car ried out using

automated scripts by selecting test cases and re executing the scripts to run those test cases.

Retesting is a testing to make sure that previously failed test cases due to defect are passed and the

defect has been resolved. The test cases involved in retesting focus only on the failed test cases due to

the defect or the scenarios or steps followed result in failed functionality. It is better to carry out

manual testing in case of retesting to make sure that defect has actually been resolved.

107) What is a difference between Debugging and Unit testing?

Answer: Debugging and unit testing are both carried out by developers, but in case of debugging, code in

focus is verified by debugging tool line by line for any syntax or programming level i ssues such as

runtime or compile-time exceptions or capturing and transferring data through lines of code.

Unit testing is a testing of a unit or program for validating functionality carried out by developer,

essential to carry out to minimize bugs found at later stage like integration or system testing. These testing

are known as White Box testing.

108) What are Unit testing techniques?

Answer: The various unit testing techniques are listed below

Statement Coverage

Decision Coverage

Branch Coverage

Condition Coverage

Control Flow

Data Flow

109) How do you decide which test cases to consider for Regression Testing?

Answer: selection of test cases for regression testing for the build received from release, should based on

following scenario priority for testing those test cases that were failed due to defect, on testing if

they are passed. All integration tests, boundary value scenarios, testing functionality of components

related to defect, end to end tests that involve change request or resolved test cas es after release,

should be considered for regression.

110) What is a Difference between Integration Testing and System Testing?

Answer: The difference between system testing and integration testing is listed below

System testing is a test level after unit tests and integration tests in software testing life cycle, where

application as a whole is tested end to end for functional as well as non -functional requirements. It is

performed after integration testing. Usability, performance, scalability and secu rity testing are involved.

Integration testing is testing of interconnected units and their interfaces, the data flow between these units

and to make sure that feature is working as per expected. it is carried out after unit testing.

Various test approach like top down, bottom up or hybrid integration are carried out during testing.

111) What are the various contents of a Test Plan?

Answer: Test plan document should include following details

Features to be tested

Features not to be tested

Approach like should we test manually, automated scripts, test techniques (white,black or grey box)

Criteria for Failed tests / pass tests

What condition for suspending test activities

Test environment such as hardware, software, network etc.

Man hours estimated while testing

specific training required, Risks involved, any assumptions or dependencies

112) Do you know Exploratory Testing?

Answer: Tests that are carried out while exploring an application, and learning about the business

requirements are called exploratory testing. These tests are carried out by manual testers without

referring to any test cases or test scripts. Exploratory tests are carried out by experienced Software

testers based on their previous testing expertise thereby test cases are designed during test execution. Test

steps carried out should be noted In case of any defect found during exploratory testing, as there is no test

cases and test steps written to carry out exploratory testing.

113) What is Prototyping? What are the various types?

Answer: software prototype is an application with limited features. prototype gives an idea of how

software is going to look like, input pages, output reports, ready to get feedback from end users for any flaws

and usability issues.

Software prototype types are listed below

Horizontal prototype

Vertical prototype

Throwaway prototype

Evolutionary prototype

Incremental prototype

Extreme prototype

114) What are SDLC phases?

Answer: The Software Development Life Cycle consists of following phases

Requirement Gathering and Analysis






115) List some of the SDLC models used in software development?

Answer: famous SDLC models usually followed by companies depend on the requirement.

Waterfall, Iterative, V-model, Spiral, Big Bang, Agile

116) What kinds of reviews are conducted during SDLC phase?

Answer: Types of software reviews are

Software Peer Review is a detailed examination of low level and high level design documents by one or more

individuals working on the project to find and resolve errors or defects in application during early stages of


Code Review – review of code by peer developer will ensure that functionality is met with as expected; there

are no memory leaks or dead code which is not utilized while coding.

Pair Programming – Is a process where same portion of code is developed by pair of developers

individually and then most efficient code is finalized.

Software Management Review – The project head verifies project progress, status of plans and their

status, infrastructure allocation to test and develop the application during management review.

Software Audit Reviews is an independent examination of product, process, assessment with compliance to


117) What is the role of Metrics in Testing?

Answer: Software Testing Metrics is a quantitative measure that helps in estimating progress, quality and

well being of software testing efforts. This helps in improving efficiency and effectiveness of

software testing processes.

118) What are key challenges while testing a software application?

Answer: Some of the challenges of testing a software applications are listed below

Test entire application – It is virtually impossible to test and verify entire application with each and every

scenario. Even one of the seven principles of software testing says, “Exhaustive Testing is Not Possible”.

Relationship with developers: Tester’s responsibility to check for any defects in the software and how to break

an application, it becomes tough to keep amicable relations hip with developers

Regression testing: In every build released from developer, tester has to check entire application for end to

end functionality every time along with resolved defect and components or units that are

integrated that may get affected due to change request or resolved defect.

Testing always under time constraint: All the stack holders keep an eye on how the built has came out,

testers has to quickly start testing the build with sanity test, smoke test and regression tests as send

their observations as soon as possible.

Which tests to execute first? – Based on available timeline, and complexity of modules, test lead has to

distribute testing like user interface or feature testing using script automatically and regression and

integration tests manually. Non functional testing using tools like load runner, API testing using

Postman or REST assured. Regression tests using selenium and mobile testing using Appium.

Understanding the requirements: There should be a walkthrough and review of software , domain

knowledge, how to test features etc. is mandatory for each member of tester.

Decision to stop the testing: Testing manager should explain testers when should testing be stopped, based

on what critical bugs should get resolved, any blockers affecting feature pending by developers.

119) Explain your views about Quality.

Answer: Software Quality work begins before the testing phase and continues after the software is

delivered. It is utmost important to deliver quality product to the end user, this will impart confidence, reliability,

long term partnership regards to the quality of product.

Quality is doing the right thing, doing it the right way, doing it right the first time, and doing it on time without

exceeding cost.

120) What is the advantage of using any bug tracking tool?

Answer: Main objective for using bug tracking tool is to deliver high quality software product by keeping track of

defect discovered and track these defects till it gets resolved, Improve Return on Investment

(ROI) by reducing cost of development, when quality product is developed, so that it will have more

reliable quality product, satisfied customers with long loyalty. Product and Project team can keep a track of

detect Issues Earlier and understand defect trends in ongoin g software development.

Better Communication, Teamwork and connectivity amongst stack holders about software quality.

121) Explain about website Usability testing.

Answer: website usability testing is to measure and understand how web visitor would experience

navigating website to verify its features, accomplish their tasks and any pain points in doing so.

122) What are defect attributes?

Answer: various properties in order to measure defect quality or nature in software can be known as

defect attributes, Defect attribute are properties that determine extent of damage due to the defect on the

software application. for Example severity, priority, type of defect are some of the Examples.

123) What is pesticide paradox?

Answer: pesticide paradox is a principle wherein same set of test case if executed again and again over

interval of time, then these test cases are not capable of identifying any new defects in the system. in order to

overcome this effect, the set of test cases are regularly reviewed and re vised to make them


124) Explain V model.

Answer: V model is a SDLC methodology where software development instead of moving downwards like

waterfall model, moves downwards and then back upwards in V shape, starting with requirement

analysis, system design, module design, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, user

acceptance testing

125) What is the difference between Web application and Client Server Application?

Answer: Client Server application is distributed on at least two systems, Client and Server where client

has visual pages like input forms, validation for valid data before sending requests to server and output

pages as response from server. Server has all business logic, database storage where request received

from client machines are responded back after processing through logic and database tables,

procedures. Client Server applications require LAN connection and Database Drivers so that they are

connected whenever request is sent forresponse. SomeExamples areATM machine, Banking software,

and Stock Trading etc.

Web application are built in one server with all front end files, back end and processing logic placed on

single web server, various technologies such as HTML or ASP with JavaScript or JS libraries are used for

front end design, whereas back end storage and processing is done on server in class files and DB

procedures and tables. web application are accessed using web browser, hence it require internet in

addition to web application files placed on web server. Examples of web applications are Amazon,

Flipkart and Snapdeal online portal, Gmail, Saavn online music streaming services

126) What is Localization testing?

Answer: Localization testing is validating software that is customized for users for specific language or

country. Where user interface will be displayed in english are translated into the country specific local

known language, in addition the currency and time denomination and any instructions are displayed in

locale language. in addition the software should support entering language specific text using virtual

keyboard. e.g. tamil for andhra pradesh state. or mandarine for china country specific.

127) What is difference between Black box testing and White box testing?

Answer: In case of White box testing it is mandatory to know internals of software applications, such as

structure, program functions, and implementation of how data flows between components. The tests

covers white box testing are unit testing and integration testing. These tests are performed by

developers, and it is mandatory to know programming and implementation knowledge, the test is based

on design document provided by design team. Various testing techniques used in White box testing are

Statement Coverage, Branch coverage, decision coverage, pathcoverage.

Black box testing does not need any understanding about internal structure of application, the tests

coveres black box testing are system and acceptance testing, testing is based on requirement document

received from product team. Various testing techniques used in Black box testing are Equivalence

partitioning, Boundary value analysis, Decision table testing, and Error Guessing.

128) What is the difference between Authentication and Authorization give an Example.

Answer: Authentication is verify logged in user’s genuineness, in real world you were required to show photo

identity documents such as Aadhar card, Driving license, PAN card or Passport in order to receive documents

addressed to you from courier, know your account ba lance at your bank.

whereas authorization is verifies what module access rights the logged in user has. real life Examples are

You are allowed to explore feature of an application based on your trial period, once you become registered

user by paying the registration fees, you can access more features of the software.

129) Other than functionality what else you should test in Web Application?

Answer: In addition to functionality and feature testing, we should test browser compatibility, security tests for

authentication and authorization rights, latency – how long it takes to load a web page, or

request to come back as a response, load testing based on number of users logged in during peak hours, and

scalability testing.

130) How you know that testing is enough?

Answer: The criteria and conditions are specified in exit document that guides us on when testing

should be stopped. When most of blockers and critical bugs have been resolved and application has

performance in acceptable limits, we can stop testing. This is however based on some risk that have to

be undertaken and time limit.

131) How will you test the reports?

Answer: It is important to prepare report on the testing activities and their end result on regular basis to the

management. It helps to analyze quality of tested product, and based on the end result, the

decision to release the product or hold back till its quality improves, can be taken.

Instead of oral confirmation or denial about the software quality discussions, the report will give

written evidence of test status, summary of defects logged into bug tracking system. Number of tests

carried out, test method, what steps taken, deviation observed between actual and desired expectation.

132) What is Database? Which database you are aware of?

Answer: Collection of data that can be accessed referred and manipulated in order to use in an

application. Relational database, nosql database, cloud database, distributed database, object -oriented database,

graph database are database types.

You can inform the interviewer about name of database you have worked on or are aware of.

133) Can you name some of Relational database?

Answer: some Examples of relational databases are sqlserver, oracle, mysql, IBM DB2, postgreSQL.

134) Can you name some of nosql database?

Answer: some Examples of Nosql databases are – ElasticSearch, Mongodb, Couchdb, Cassandra db, HBase.

135) Can you name some of cloud database?

Answer: some Examples of cloud databases are – amazon S3,RDS, dynamoDB,Redshift,SAP, Azure

136) Can you name some of distributed database?

Answer: some Examples of distributed databases are – teradata, exadata,SAP Hana

137) Can you name some of object-oriented database?

Answer: object-oriented database – smalltalk, LISP in Gbase, COP in Vbase

138) Can you name some of graph database?

Answer: graph database- Neo4j, amazon neptune,

139) What is Database Testing?

Answer: Database testing is a testing of database entities such as schema, tables, views, triggers, stored

procedures, partitions created on tables, indexing. We should be proficient in SQL queries.

140) What do you mean by Cookies?

Answer: cookies are small text files that contain web visitor information such as websites explored, pages

visited, visitor’s ip address to identify alrea dy visited user.

141) How do you test Cookies?

Answer: cookies are small text files that contain web visitor information such as websites explored, pages

visited, visitor’s ip address to identify already visited user. There are various types of cookies,

Session cookies – user navigating websites actively, once they leave particular site, session cookie


Tracking cookies – are used to keep record of multiple visits that was made to same particular web site.

Authentication cookies – whether a a valid registered user has logged in again and if so with what


142) What are Stored Procedures?

Answer: In relational databases, use of parameters, variables and output parameters to design

procedure which has data processing in order to incorporate business logic for expected result.

143) How many types of Joins are in sql?

Answer: the Joins are of following types in SQL

Inner Join

Left Join

Right Join

Full Join

Self Join

144) What are DML and DDL commands give Example.

Answer: Data Definition Language (DDL) commands in SQL are create database, schema, constraints, users,

tables etc. DDL commands are CREATE, DROP, RENAME and ALTER

Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands in SQL are insert, update, and delete records from

database tables. DML commands are INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE

145) What is Normalization?

Answer: Normalization in SQL is a process of eliminating useless repeated data from tables, ensuring data

dependency makes sense in final tables.

146) What is Primary key and Foreign key?

Answer: Primary key is a type of constraint applied on particular column values in order to uniquely

identify a record (row) in the table. A column value should be unique ( cannot repeat), and cannot hold null

values. There can only be single primary key per database table.

Foreign key is a type of constraint applied on the column value which already exist as a column in

another table with primary key constraint applied on. Foreign key value can accept multiple null values. There

can be multiple foreign key in single database table.

147) What is RDBMS?

Answer: RDBMS stands for relational database management system, where relational database refers to storage of

data in structured manner in row and column format.

148) What is difference between delete & truncate?

Answer: Delete is a DML command whereas Truncate is a DDL command, with delete command applied on

table record(s) records will get removed, records removed using Delete command can be recovered with

Rollback command.

Using truncate command, records along with table structure gets removed from database schema,

WITHOUT recovering the table again.

149) What design documents you receive from PM?

Answer: Low level Design and High level Design documents are received from Project manager.

150) What are documents are created in Design phase?

Answer: Design Documents such as Low Level Design, High Level Design documents created by

developers and design team explaining data flow in application or modules using UML diagram.

151) What challenges you have faced in testing so far?

Answer: This one is a tricky question; interviewer wants to know firsthand information from you about your

weakness in handling difficult or crisis situation. Answering this question like what is your

weakness – you need to keep yourself specific and not to lament problem or difficulties or show any

kind of annoyance or hatred for particular stack holder or reporting manager, colleague or developer or some

process. You can explain situation however, but should end your statement expla ining how you

were successful in controlling the situation.

152) Realizing you won’t be able to test everything – how do you decide what to test first?

Answer: There are a situation where testing a new build is allotted a bare minimum time, or you are

given several tasks or projects to look into. In such case, where you cannot able to completely cover all the

scenarios of testing, you can focus on main functionality and features released and check if any

critical or blocking defect should not be present in an application during regression tests. Usability,

functionality, security, performance are few testing that should be carried out either using scripts

automatically or test manually.

153) What is SQA?

Answer: Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a set of activities that validates that the software being

designed or built, meets desired quality measures and specifications. Test Assurance team has tasks like

auditing and training the stack holders about standards for quality that software should satisfy as per

user expectations.

154) What are the contents of defect report?

Answer: A defect report should inform description about the defect.

Which version or build of software release being tested during which defect occured

Which is the module name, how to access this module (path), what were the steps carried out What

was the functionality affected, how severe you think the defect is

Name of the tester who discovered the defect, name of the developer to whom defect has been


Test case affected mapped to requirement specification document ids and number of test cases that

may not be tested due to the defect.

155) What is Big Bang type of testing?

Answer: Big Bang test type is an integration tests where multiple modules are being tested

simultaneously which may get affected due to change request or defect if any. This helps exploring

software with end to end functionality and gives tester an idea about features included and

functionality carried out using the software.

156) What is Traceability Matrix & Coverage Matrix?

Answer: Traceability Matrix & Coverage Matrix is a document that is mapped with software requirement

documents and test case or scenarios all in single document. The purpose of such document will ensure that

the entire requirements have been covered by test cases and there is no feature or functionality

that has been left unchecked.

157) What is UAT and Alpha and Beta Testing?

Answer: User Acceptance Test (UAT) is a final test by end user or client’s representative before software is

handed over to production environment. It is an end to end functionality testing and verify that

proposed features have been included in the software. User Acceptance test are essential as end user will

test and verify the application, to make sure tha t the developer has incorporated the features and

functionality expected by end user in the software. In addition change requests asked for have been

properly incorporated by developers.

158) List OOPS features?

Answer: The OOPs features are as listed below





159) What is Hot fix?

Answer: HotFix is a workaround which can be some sort of configuration change in order to resolve an

issue that could occure in running application or server, with minimum downtime.

160) Where Exit and Entry Criteria are written in Test Plan?

Answer: Entry criteria are written document without referring to which one cannot begin any of the SDLC

phases. In order to begin SDLC phase Requirement document and complete flow diagram of the

application as well as Test Plan should be ready and available. An exit criterion is the detailed document that

decides moving from current phase of SDLC to the next phase. In order to exit SDLC phases test

cases should be written and reviewed, test data has been identified and ready to use, scripts for

automate the execution of test cases must be ready.

161) What are different scenarios for verifying Email address?

Answer: In order to verify email address, the front end tester should consider foll owing criteria

Email address may contain alphanumeric characters as initial portion,

special character allowed are dot (.), underscore (_), in initial portion, there

should only be single @ symbol separating local part and domain

Domain name may end separating dot (.) with net, org, com and edu as well as country specific

characters eg. In for india, ca for canada.

162) What is the query for update table?

Answer: in order to change column value in the table based on condition, the query is as given below

UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...

WHERE condition;

163) if there is mistake in company Logo, what is Priority and Severity Justify your Answer?

Answer: Mistake in company logo on a product, does not impact its functionality or working , as well as buying

or selling activities of product, the defect has low severity. But, this defect will impact greatly

brand identity and impact how user will interact or may take as duplicate product, hence such defect is of high


164) What is A/B testing?

Answer: A/B testing is comparing two version of same product, for difference in user experience,

performance and any changes that are evident during tests. E.g. comparison of features of microsoft’s word

95 and word 97.

165) What is Test driven development?

Answer: When requirements are specific to test cases, such that code can be improved or defect in code can

be fixed in order to meet with the requirements, such kind of development is known as test driven

development. The test cases are designed around various scenarios to cover the expected requirements.

166) Explain error guessing with an Example.

Answer: Based on testing experience, testers design their test cases or scenarios, such method or tests

which are exploratory in nature, in order to locate defect in software, are called error guessing.

167) In bug life cycle, who opens the bug?

Answer: In Bug Life Cycle, Developer opens the bug which was logged in bug management tool by a

tester, and assigned to respective developer by development head for fix.

168) What is Compatibility, Multiplatform and Configuration testing?

Answer: Compatibility testing involves testing software and their compatibility with standards,

platforms, transfer of data, and all possible combinations can be verified using different operating

systems, web browsers for same hardware, how functional and non-functional features behave .

Multiple platforms such as operating systems, network and hardware and their combination used as test

environment and how performance of software will behave can be tested.

Configuration testing involves verifying parameter set up for various computer components such as PC,

components, peripherals, interfaces, graphic cards, device drivers are composed of variety of

configurations. With help of installation guide and manual we can verify configuration of various

parameters in various hardware and infrastructures.

169) What are Session and Cookies and what is difference between them?

Answer: Cookies and Sessions are small text files that store information.

Cookies Sessions

Cookies are stored only at client machines

Sessions get stored at both client machine as

well as server.

Cookies are independent of session Session is dependent on cookies.

Cookie expires based on lifetime set by user

Session ends when user closes web


As HTTP is stateless protocol, cookies track

application state using small text files on

user’s computer i.e. client.

Sessions store important information such as

user id on the server and are used to

pass data values from one page to another.

170) What is Mutation testing?

Answer: Mutation testing is white box testing usually conducted in unit testing level, by changing few

statements in source code and validate using debugger. Objective of mutation testing is to assess test case

quality based on fault based test strategy that fails mutant code while debugging.

171) Difference between Ad-hoc & Exploratory testing

Answer: Exploratory as well as Ad-hoc testing should be carried out by experienced testers for

validating critical application that requires early iteration so to test if the application satisfies essential

functionality or not.

Following is the difference between Ad-hoc and exploratory testing

Adhoc Testing Exploratory Testing

Ad-hoc is an informal test that can be

carried out without referring to

requirement specification documents for the

application being tested.

Exploratory is formal tests are carried out

by experienced Software testers based on

their previous testing expertise thereby test

cases are designed during test execution.

There is no test case or scenario created

during exploratory testing.

Ad-hoc tests primarily tests negative


While exploratory tests, both positive as well

as negative tests should be tested


You can learn more about exploratory testing please visit -of-


172) Difference between HTTP and HTTPS, Explain how the data is secured in HTTPS?

Answer: HTTP is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, when you enter http:// in your browser, you

inform browser to allow connection via http protocol which is TCP (transmission control protocol), in order to

send and receive data packets over the web.

HTTPS is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, when you enter http:// in your browser, you

inform browser to allow connection via http protocol over secured connection encrypted by transport layer


173) Have you heard of Agile Methodology? Explain?

Answer: Agile is a process or a framework where a small team develops and tests customer requirement

assigned to them in their order of priorities to be accomplished in the small interval in agreement with client

representative from the team.

To learn more about Agile terminologies please visit


174) What is scrum?

Answer: Scrum is a term used in agile environment of software development where stack holders that

develop product meet daily to discuss about Work and its Progress like what task is done, what is being

worked upon, what are the difficulties delaying the progress. Scrum meet ensures the team member

especially product owner about the status of the w ork completed and backlog.

175) What is sprint?

Answer: Sprint is usually period of 3 to 4 weeks in which team members have to complete their assigned tasks

along with any change request. This is spread across entire software development life cycle, with

every new sprint starting after completing task of previous sprint.

176) What is epic?

Answer: Epic is product feature which are broken down into achievable smaller tasks known as user

stories in sprint interval. Epic are completed on incremental order of user stories achieved in sprints.

177) What is product backlog?

Answer: The product backlog comprises a list of new product features, changes in any of the features or

functionalities, bug or defect fixes, changes in hardware infrastructure in order t o enable the team to

achieve a specific outcome. A close eye on product backlog is kept by the scrum master and product

owner. This helps in defining burn down reports. Product backlog results in a count of pending tasks

that are recurring over a couple of sprints.

178) What is burn down report?

Answer: Burn down Report is A pending task from user stories during sprint interval due to any

reasonable reasons specified by developer, against the time interval. Product owner help to remove

impediments due to which tasks are being delayed or left pending.

179) Have you used any Configuration Management tool?

Answer: I have assisted DevOps team occasionally and have used Chef and Puppet tools for

Configuration Management of their infrastructure.

180) Do we always need to do regression after retesting?

Answer: Retesting is required to verify that the test cases failed in previous release, are passed after the

defects are fixed.

Regression is mandatory to verify all relative or dependent modules and integration tests that are intact even

after defect is fixed or after change request.

You need to retest the portion of application where defect was fixed. This may be a portion of tests in

regression testing. Experience says, it is safe to do regression after retest ing as to make sure that other

portions of software are intact and not affected after defect fix.

181) What is Web server, which web servers you know?

Answer: Web server is an infrastructure that uses hypertext transfer protocol to respond client request s over

internet. Its main function is to store, process and deliver web pages requested to web site

visitors. In addition web server also supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and File Transfer

Protocol (FTP) protocols for email, file transfer and storage. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

and Apache Tomcat are some Examples of a web server.

182) What is Inter-system testing? Have you done that?

Answer: When various systems are internally connected with each other and can access or exc hange

information as well as process one system with another system as interface. Real Life Example is ATM

machines, if you have account in State Bank of India of any branch and you have SBI debit card. You

need to withdraw cash immediately, you have ICICI bank ATM machine near you. You insert SBI debit

card in ICICI bank ATM machine, you enter your credential, the system will internally access SBI server and

verify your authentication details along with account balance. When you request the amount to be

withdrawn, ICICI bank ATM machine will dispense the cash requested for. with amount remaining in your

SBI account. Another Example is you can access and use all banking related functionality from different

branch of SBI bank across India.

183) What is a build? What is the release?

Answer: The software build is application compiled and integrated in order to get tested by software testers.

Release is deploying software with new version deployed to the customer, it has additional

features that were absent in previous release, and change request requested by customers using

previous release.

184) What is production server?

Answer: production server is a server used to host website contents such as front end pages, css files,

javascript files, backend tables, sql files, procedures etc. integrated and deployed so that end users can

access them through their website address using browser and internet, or download on their mobile for using

the features of application.

185) What is Recovery Testing?

Answer: Recovery testing is to test how quick the application is recovered after it has gone through

system crash or hardware failure. Tester can change interface, protocol, firmware, hardware, and

software configurations as close as the actual conditions. Recovery tests after hardware restored will be tested

for getting application again coming back and start running as before. The expense and risk to

carry out recovery testing may be substantial and prohibitive for smaller startup companies.

186) What are the properties of a good Requirements Document?

Answer: The requirement should be feasible, completely explained in requirement specification

document. There should be single requirement, easily read and understood by non-technical people,

should not contain definitions, reasons for need of requirement. The requirement should not have any guess

work or any confusion (e.g. for how long, 50% or more) should not conflict with other

requirements, must include same terminology across document, Can be achieved with exist ing

technologies, met within the schedule.

187) What is Accessibility Testing?

Answer: Accessibility testing is a subset of usability testing, is a process of testing an amount of ease of using

the application by disabled individuals. Based on the type of disability various tests are carried

out on software to check accessibility features designed specifically for disabled either manually or

automatically using tools.

The objective of accessibility testing is listed below

To make sure that application or software can be used by a disabled individual with ease,

To verify that the software is in compliance with the laws formed over requirements for accessing

software by disabled individuals.

To make sure that there is no legal action against the software pr ovider in the future

188) How can you make your software ready for accessibility?

Answer: Screen Readers like JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, Window-Eyes, and Digital voice recorders of

brands like EVISTR, OLYMPUS WS-852, Zoom, Tascam and SONY can be integrated with software to add

accessibility feature for disabled individuals

To learn more about accessibility testing visit -of-accessibility-


189) What is Jenkins?

Answer: Jenkins is an open source automation tool that help devops to automate build, test and deploy,

integration and delivery of software, whenever multiple developer tries to commit his/her source code and code

is built, build status will be notified to developers such as which commit has defect i n case,

next when the build is deployed over to test server any integration issue if any will be reported to

developer for any drawback or failed build. Jenkins a tool that automates Continuous Integration,

Deployment, feedback to developers, defect in build can be resolved immediately.

190) What is an Insurance?

Answer: Insurance is a protection or risk management against any unforeseen events such as theft,

accidents, illness, damages of properties, due to loss of life in the form of sum total of the am ount by paying

the premium for the coverage and claim in case of incident or after maturity

191) What are some of the types of insurance?

Answer: Some of the insurance types are Life Insurance, Term Life Insurance, Retirement plans, Health

insurance, Home Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Travel Insurance, Commercial Assets Insurance, and Mobile


192) How many types of banking have you heard of?

Answer: Banking is divided largely into Retail banking, Corporate banking, Investment Banking, Internet

or net banking, and Mobile banking.

193) What is retail banking?

Answer: Retail banks provide liquidity, an amount of money for spending and investment in form of

treasury bills(currency). In addition to save and invest individual and their families finances, offer credit (loans)

to purchase homes, cars, and other expenses. They also offer credit cards based on their

repayment history. debit card so that people can withdraw cash from ATM machines, or shop groceries,

clothing or things of need at point of sales using debit or credit cards and cash management such as

demand draft, ECS, RTGS/NEFT, cheques payment.

194) What is NetBanking?

Answer: Digital Banking – customers who have their accounts in banks can access various financial

services offered by retail banks any time using the internet. Viewing account statement, fund transfer,

online shopping by payments and confirming OTP (one-time-password) in order to verify the transaction

is authenticated by the account holder, apply for loan, credit card s, investments like mutual funds,

cumulative investments etc. various other services like cheque book request, online password changes, credit

card payments, viewing transactions statements.

195) Name some digital payment platform

Answer: Users can make cashless payments with global digital payment platforms such as PayPal, Visa,

MasterCard, Amazon, E-wallets, Bancontact, and Indian payment platforms such as CCAvenue, PayTM, Google

Pay, PhonePe, BHIM, etc.

196) What entities are present in health care domain?

Answer: Following are the entities in health care domain applications

Insurer– health insurance policy providers who look after all the medical treatment expenses for


Policy holder– one who is covered for the sum insured amount of medical expenses by paying the

premium to the insurer

Provider– healthcare professional, a registered doctor or physician treating a patient, a policyholder for his


TPA– is an interface between policyholder and Insurer Company, who processes the claim for the

medical treatment charges and reimburse them to the facility, hospital, and medical doctor.

Broker– is an agent that sells the health insurance policy to the customer against the premium amount for the

sum insured healthcare expenses covered under the policy.

197) What are the seven layers of OSI model in network?

Answer: OSI model contains 7 layers starting with Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session,

Presentation, and Application Layer

198) What do you mean by protocol?

Answer: Protocols are set of rules or procedures that are already agreed by the software industry, for

transmission of data between resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors of electronic

devices like desktop, laptop computers, mobile phones, printers, electronic devices like digital cameras, DVD

players, smart televisions etc

199) What are various types of e-commerce sites?

Answer: The various types of ecommerce sites are Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C),

Consumer to Consumer ( C2C).

200) What are system integration test types?

Answer: System Integration test types are Big Bang Integration, Top Down Integration, Bottom Up

Integration, and Sandwich /Hybrid Integration.

201) Name few of System integration testing tools.

Answer: The different Testing tools to verify system integration that are used across industry are Citrus,





Rational Integration Tester from IBM,

SITA(Smart Integration Test Accelerator),




202) What is Defect cascading?

Answer: Defect cascading is defects that are encountered by software testers, which further uncover

another defect in the system while integration testing takes place. In order to locate defects that are primary

this may further realize other defects in the application.

203) Give some Test Management Tools you are aware of.

Answer: TestRail, Zephyr,TestFlo, JIRA, TestComplete, and TestLink are some of the industry recognized test

management tools.

204) Where are Jenkins files stored?

Answer: Jenkins stores the configuration for each job within an eponymous directory in jobs/ . The job

configuration file is config. xml , the builds are stored in builds/ , and the working directory is


205) Have you heard about GIT?

Answer: GIT is an open source version control system used as a depository to save code base of multiple

developers, which will be integrated after compiling and build using continuous integration tool such as Jenkins.

206) Have you worked on SQL query? What you have done?

Answer: Yes, I have worked on SQL select commands where I queried on the database tables to view and

compare records present in tables and that displayed on application’s output.

207) Explain REST API.

Answer: REST API is a set of rules in order to receive data or information from internet when you

request about this information using URL. API is application programming interface, created by

developers and client or end user can use them in order to fetch information, such as weath er reports

for next 5 days of particular location, Share market updates for particular company,Book movie or flight tickets

using third party applications like or, with REST API payment

gateways of banks can also be integrated with the ecommerce sites so that buyer can purchase product


208) What are tools used in software industry for API testing?

Answer: Some of the industry famous API testing tools are



REST Assured

209) How to upload data in Jenkins?

Answer: Steps to upload file in Jenkins.

After login to Jenkins, select left hand side menu title ‘Jenkins’ and submenus – ‘Manage Jenkins’. A list of

options will display.

Select -‘Configure System’ by clicking on it. Configuration page will open. You can check menus, ‘Maven Info

Plugin Configuration’. In Maven Info Plugin Configuration click on the checkbox that reads “This

project is parameterized”. You will get ‘Add Parameter’ drop down. Where in you will get a window with

title ‘file parameter’, where file location should be copied and click on save button. There is another

option known as ‘Build with Parameters’ , click it to find location of file entered along with Choose file

button, clicking this will allow you to select local file to be selected for uploading. You should click Build button

to build with uploaded file.

210) Have you heard about GIT?

Answer: Git is a version control software used for uploading and hence managing worked files among

programmers in software development projects. GitHub is cloud based hosting service that lets devops team

manage Git repositories.

211) Have you worked on SQL query? What you have done?

Answer: SQL query are english like statements used to access and manipulating database. You can

create new databases, create views in database, set permissions on tables, procedures, views, create new

tables, update table with constraints, insert, view, modify or delete records in tables, execute

queries against a database tables.

212) What is Primary Key please explain.

Answer: Primary Key is a constraint or a condition on table columns. There is only one primary key per

table, It is a criteria to uniquely identify a record in table. Primary key constraint on table column makes

sure that there is unique value in column, (i.e. it should not allow duplicate value in the column),

column should not allow null value, (i.e. it will not allow empty value)

213) If there are same multiple entry in the table, how to find Unique element in the table?

Answer: Using ‘Distinct’ keyword in sql statement make sure displaying unique value in the table. eg. select

distinct (state) from customers.

214) How to get 3rd Highest Salary from employee table?

Answer: SELECT MIN(EmpSalary) from (SELECT EmpSalary from Employee ORDER BY EmpSalary DE SC LIMIT

3); You can here just change the nth value after the LIMIT constraint.

Here in this the Sub query Select EmpSalary from Employee Order by EmpSalary DESC Limit 3; would

return the top 3 salaries of the Employees.

215) How to find any particular date of joining of employee from Employees table, date is in number

format then how to change it to date format?

Answer: The Date of employee joining an organization is in number format, say 01/02/2001, It can be

converted into date format DD/MM/YYYY as fol lows

TO_CHAR (TO_DATE(‘01022001′,’DD/MM/YYYY’), ‘DD/MM/YYYY’)

216) What is end to end testing?

Answer: End to End (E2E) testing validates application flow from start to end. A main criterion of E2E

testing is to recreate user scenario and validate system under test, components for integration and data

integrity. eg. Accessing website using browser and its web address (URL), Login to application with valid

credentials, for ecommerce portal, the user should able to view his account details, delivery address,

past orders, current order (in case), default payment instructions (like his credit card registered for easy

payment method), in addition to this user should able to view all other items on sale, wish list, adding

items to shopping cart, and paying for the item selected with his preferred way of payment options and finally

logout of the software.

217) Arrange the following testing types in sequence in which we test any application

Functional Smoke Integration System Sanity Retesting Regression

Answer: Following is the order in which respective tests are carried out during STLC.

Smoke à Sanity à Integration à System à Functional à Retesting à Regression

218) List Name of HTTP methods for RESTfulservices

Answer: The HTTP methods used for RESTful services are POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

219) What are status codes in HTTP?

Answer: HTTP status code is 3 digit integers displayed as a response from the server, the first digit

defines a class of response are as explained below

1xx –informational

2xx – Success

3xx – Redirection

4xx – Client Error

5xx –Server Error

220) Have you used SOAPUI?

Answer: SOAPUI is an open source tool for web services testing. This tool can be used for RESTful API and

SOAP web service testing, GraphQL and microservices and other backend services. The API testing tool is used

to validate communication between software made from different technologies, supports REST, JSON, XML,

SOAP, JDBC, JMS, and other protocols in a single test case.

221) Have you used Postman?

Answer: Postman is a scalable open source API testing tool, API is an interface that communicate

between applications using HTTP protocols using data formats like JSON.

222) Have you used REST Assured?

Answer: REST Assured tests REST APIs using Java libraries, integrates with maven. REST Assured has

methods that fetch data from all requests and responses from any complex JSON structure. Developers with

Java development background can implement REST Assured methods to test API and integration

tests using automation scripts.

223) What is Installation Testing?

Answer: Installation testing is to verify that the application has been successfully installed on

environment as per the steps and order of installation listed in installation guide and is working as user

acceptance tests and expected as requirement document. During every build deployed by software

testers on test servers installation testing is carried out. The steps written in installation guide for

different operating system can be verified and application is run to check that installation is successful.

224) Have you come across any severe bugs in your application and did you contribute so that it gets


Answer: There were severe, critical and blockers defects that were found during ev ery build. I sat with

developer and product owner and explained the expected behavior of system and feature and

functionality. I tried understanding code and functions used to achieve the functionality and pointed out

shortcomings, there by rectifying the defect.

225) What is Application Server? Give Example.

Answer: Application server is connected with network and database, web applications are hosted on

application server and are connected via network and request from client and response to client reach this

server with the help of HTTP protocol. Database connected to this application server validates

logged in user’s authenticity and requests asked for from the respective tables to fetch information and

send them in form of response to the client.

Application server platforms are J2EE, WebLogic, Glassfish, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, Apache


226) If any bug is reproducible at client-side (in production environment) not in the test environment

what are the different possibilities that this scenario occurs?

Answer: There are various scenarios like additional load of uploaded files for processing, logged in

users, time taken to receive response back due to which bug are reproduced at client side (production

environment) and not in the test environment.

227) If any bug is reproducible only on Testing server and not on Development server, how you make

sure that the developer fixes that bug?

Answer: The steps or scenario carried out to reproduce defect at test environment but the same steps

carried out at development server if does not produce defect. It may happen that there can be some

files missing at test environment, code changes at development server due to update on build. Tester has to

reproduce the defect carefully conducting steps at development server and advice developer to fix the defect.

228) What is Data Migration Testing? What are the different approaches followed in Data Migration?

Answer: Migration testing validates migration of application from old system to new system wi th data

integrity, no loss of data, and minimal downtime, with functional and non-functional aspects are met post

migration. Pre migration, migration and post migration tests are phases of migration test. In

addition backward compatibility and rollback tes ts are executed along with.

229) What are broken links?

Answer: broken links are the reason when website are no longer available giving 404 error (Page not

found), as webpage was moved without any redirect added, URL structure of website modified or moved.

230) What is ETL testing / Data warehousing testing?

Answer: ETL testing is for Extract required data or information from data warehouse, Transform data in order

to make it suitable so that it can be loaded into the database.

231) What is Closer Report?

Answer: Summary of tests conducted during software development life cycle, build wise results, status of

defect resolution, final critical or major defect still pending in an application is called test closure

document. This report also display number of test cases executed, number of defects and their types, defect

density etc.

232) write test cases on online software product for free?

Answer: There are many software companies that introduce their software to end user on limited trial base, in

order to explore the features offered and validate functionality. In order to test such software there are few

test cases listed.

Verification of features offered in free trial software.

Once executable files for the software are downloaded on user’s machine, it is asked to enter user credit

card information, in order to start remitting amount after trial period.

Once trial period is over, the software should ask for activation key.

iv)In order to continue using the software, user should either get valid activa tion key or purchase the

software which provide activation key for lifetime use.

The feature working in trial period should continue to work after purchasing software, without any

limitations that might were imposed during trial period.

The feature offered during trial period should work reliably during trial period.

233) write test cases on company web portal (say ACC cement)

Answer: various companies have their online presence in the form of web portal and social media. The web

portal should provide following information

The URL or web address provided should be browser compatible and should display the similar content on all

the browsers namely, Internet explorer, mozilla firefox, google chrome, safari, opera etc.

Web site should by default display his home page on page load, without any delay.

The company information such as offerings, products, services are the links provided on clicking which

should display web pages with relevant information.

Company location, current contact information, like phone/mobile, email address and current head of

operations name should be displayed.

In Contact form, user can enter his details and on clicking submit button, a reply from the company should

be received and customer care department should speak with the visitor in order to provide services

asked for.

The product or services page should display their area of expertise, product range, zone wise dealer’s

address where visitor can get product or services via these dealers.

The web portal should also provide link for any current openings available or product information so that

visitor can avail these facilities.

234) write test cases on gaming software

Answer: Test cases or scenarios for gaming software should consider following points

Background music, camera (zoom in and out) in case of remote players, compatibility with different screen


Advancement in Game, Rules, prerequisites to attain next level.

Event triggers, scores, logic to calculate points, what makes games stop.

Special effects, use of buttons, touch screen mobiles, mouse, keyboard, and joysticks

Required minimum configuration of mobile in order to get the best gaming experience.

235) write test cases on image editing software

Answer: Test case or scenarios for image editing software are listed below.

Verify acceptable image formats are allowed for uploading image editing software

Validate uploaded image are converted into complete and usable image after processing.

Verify the software has preview feature after editing an image online.

Validate a software has drag and drop feature for image to be uploaded.

Validate a software can able to include more than one image in single pane.

Verify the image developed as a result of merging and modification should not include any patches.

Validate the font inserted while image editing software should not blur out the text.

Verify the font along with image gets expanded or reduced while using zoom function without any blur or


Verify it should not accept any document other than that of image format.

Validate that the image should be converted into final modified form as soon as possible. Verify

that the modified image is sent in email supplied.

Verify that to have image size limitation in order to quickly upload, process and send back processed


236) write test cases on online file format conversion

Answer: Test case or scenarios for online file format conversion are listed below.

Online file format conversion software should have a registration button.

Online file format conversion software should have login button for registered users.

Online conversion of Audio format of files should only accept audio file formats for conversion.

Online conversion of Document format of files should only accept document formats for conversion. Online

conversion of videos should only accept video file formats for conversion.

Online conversion of images should only accept image file formats for conversion.

Online conversion of PDF to word should only accept PDF format only.

Online conversion of PDF to JPG should only accept PDF format only.

237) what is captcha? Where did you see captcha?

Answer: A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine whether or not the

user is human. e.g. of captcha are sum of two digits, selection of charact ers containing symbols,

numerals, and alphabets which are distorted for user to identify and write in text field provided.

Selection of pictures that contain some of the images asked for. The pages where sensitive user

information may get revealed CAPTCHA can be installed, They prevent hackers from performing attacks

where they try to break into an account by guessing every possible password combination, and they can also

prevent fraudulent sweepstakes entries or illegitimate contest votes.

238) explain functionality of captcha.

Answer: CAPTCHA makes sure that the end user visiting website is human and not a script that

automatically enters predefined password or sensitive credentials and tries explore the software. They

prevent hackers from performing attacks where they try to break into an account by guessing every

possible password combination, and they can also prevent fraudulent sweepstakes entries or

illegitimate contest votes. Captcha can be sum of two digits, selection of characters containing symb ols,

numerals, and alphabets which are distorted for user to identify and write in text field provided, or

selection of pictures that contain some of the images asked for.

239) Why all websites visited want to have your consent to use cookies?

Answer: Many websites have changed their privacy policies after the law and the recent developments of

user data breaches in the tech industry. This will help make the users understand what data are

collected using cookies and what happens to it after they are collected.

240) Give Example of Statement coverage.

Answer: Statement coverage is white box testing method where quality of code as well as different path flow is

verified. Limitation of statement coverage is we cannot test false condition in it.

Formulae to calculate statement coverage is as below

Statement coverage = No of statements Executed/Total no of statements in the source code * 100


Read Akshay’s marks Ak_mks

Read Binoy’s marks Bn_mks

if Ak_mks > Bn_mks

Print “Akshay has secured better marks than Binoy”


Print “Binoy has secured better marks than Akshay”


Set1 :If A =75, B =62

No of statements Executed: 5

Total no of statements in the source code: 7

Statement coverage =5/7*100 = 71.00 %

Set1 :If A =82, B =95

No of statements Executed: 6

Total no of statements in the source code: 7

Statement coverage =6/7*100 = 85.20 %

241) Give Example of Decision coverage.

Answer: Decision coverage is white box testing method where scenarios or condition reports boolean value

true or false as output. It is very hard to achieve 100% coverage.

Decision coverage = Number of Decision outcomes exercised/Total number of Decision Outcomes


function eligible(var htinft) { if

(htinft > 5)

htinft = htinft * 30.48

document.write(“You are eligible to appear military exams”);

document.write(“Your height is” + htinf +”cms”);


scenario 1

value of htinft is 4.8

Here boolean value – No when if (htinft > 5) is checked

highlighted code will be executed,

function eligible(var htinft) { if

(htinft > 5)

htinft = htinft * 30.48

document.write(“You are eligible to appear military exams”);

document.write(“Your height is” + htinf +”cms”);


Decision coverage = 50%

scenario 1

value of htinft is 5.4

Here boolean value – Yes when if (htinft > 5) is checked

highlighted code will be executed,

function eligible(var htinft) { if

(htinft > 5)

htinft = htinft * 30.48

document.write(“You are eligible to appear military exams”);

document.write(“Your height is” + htinf +”cms”);


Decision coverage = 50%

242) Give Example of Branch coverage.

Answer: Branch coverage is same as Decision coverage, hence you can give Example given in Decision

coverage for branch coverage.

Branch coverage = Number of executed Branches/ Total number of branches

243) What is Testing?

Answer: Testing is a testing framework that covers unit, functional, integration, end to end testing

categories. It tests java project testing, Testing supports Annotations, uses Java and Object-Oriented

features, supports multi-threaded testing and has flexible plugin API.

244) What is Test Driven Testing?

Answer: The development is governed by test cases designed for each of the features. Development

team starts developing their code base and functions so that the tests pass. Testing considers various

aspects such as valid/invalid inputs, errors, exceptions, boundary conditions, events handled and

everything that may break resulting defect. Due to test driven development, it takes much less debug time,

code designed to meet requirement, shorter development cycles and ne ar zero defects.

245) What is Behavior Driven Testing?

Answer: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a branch of Test Driven Development (TDD). BDD uses

human-readable descriptions of software user requirements as the basis for software tests. Like Domai n

Driven Design (DDD), an early step in BDD is the definition of a shared vocabulary between

stakeholders, domain experts, and engineers. This process involves the definition of entities, events, and

outputs that the users care about, and giving them names that everybody can agree on.

246) What is Latent Defect?

Answer: Latent Defect is a hidden defect in software still unknown to end user until particular task or

operation is not performed by running the application. this type of defect are difficult to identify, pass through

all testing, remains hidden even after production, occurs only in certain scenario, can surface after release of

the product.

247) What is fault-masking?

Answer: fault masking is a technique wherein one defect prevents the detection of another. there are many

features that may have defects but remain hidden until these feature are utilized. For eg. In case of login page,

developer has provided option to log in with email address and mobile number, until user logs in with valid

credentials, the defect as below, wherein forgot password when registered mobile

number is entered OTP is not received on mobile (unhandled task by developer), remains un noticed. This

is known as fault masking.

248) Explain what the difference between latent and masked defects is?

Answer: Latent defect is a failure that is still hidden as the set of condition were never met that can

uncover a defect.

Masked defect is a defect that has not yet caused because another defect has prevented the area of code

from being executed so that masked defect can be found.

When set of condition or scenario are executed, latent defect will be discovered. Masked defect can be found

once the defect preventing to execute area of application is resolved.

249) Explain what LCSAJ is?

Answer: LCSAJ is a short for Linear Code Sequence and Jump is a white box testing techniq ue and

etermines code coverage LCSAJ contains start and end of linear sequence of executable statements as

well as target line where control of flow is transfe rred at the end of linear sequence. 100% LCSAJ

coverage denotes 100% decision coverage.

250) What is Fuzz testing and when it is used?

Answer: Fuzz testing is an automatic test technique where invalid, random and unexpected data is sent

as an input that may result into exceptions like crash, memory leaks or fails to build -in code assertions.

fuzz testing tools for web security testing are Burp Suite, Peach Fuzzer, Spike Proxy.

251) what is test planning?

Answer: Test plan document is designed by test l ead managers per every product under test is a

document that explains scope, approach, resources, and schedule of testing activities. This document

covers test strategies, objective for testing, exit or closure criteria, resource schedule planning, as well as test

deliverables to be included

252) What are commonly used testing types acrossindustries?

Answer: Unit testing, API testing, Integration testing, web services testing, security testing, automation testing

are commonly used testing types across industries.

253) what are the steps to follow when you discover defect?

Answer: Once tester finds a defect in an application, he should complete following steps in order to

register the defect.

Verify and validate the steps followed and try reproducing the defect.

Repeat the test steps and ensure that the defect occurs repeatedly.

Attach screenshots, backend server logs and/or database logs,

Understand the requirement and analyze the deviation from expected output for the scenario.

Include the scenario or test case in case, the scenario tested is not covered.

Report the bug in bug tracking system like Bugzilla or JIRA,

Analyze the defect and rank it based on its severity.

254) How would you resolve conflict amongst team members?

Answer: It is essential to work in team environment for software development industries. Team

members may face challenges amongst their colleagues while communicating, exchanging their views, mentoring

or allocating the work. Team member conflicts are common while delivering tasks i n high

pressure environment.

To resolve conflict amongst team members as a test lead you should

Talk individually to each person and note their concerns

Find a solution to the common problems raised by team members

Arrange a team meeting, reveal the solution and ask people to co-operate

255) What is Charles Proxy testing?

Answer: Charles Proxy testing is a testing for decrypting web traffic on computers and mobile devices. It is a

cross platform HTTP debugging proxy server application that enables user to view HTTP, HTTPS, and enabled

TCP port traffic from and to local computer or mobile device. In addition, it also records

requests and responses along with HTTP headers and metadata (e.g. cookies, caching and encoding

information) during web traffic.

256) What is meaning of Code Walk Through?

Answer: Code Walk Through is a review meeting lead by a developer who has designed the program

code, walks through his/her written code to other member of his team. The purpose of such review is to impart

knowledge transfer to the new team members as well as find defects in the code, based on the

requirement use case scenarios.

257) What things to consider while project monitoring?

Answer: During project monitoring, a manager responsible analyzes all the tasks carried out are as per

plan? Due these tasks any unforeseen consequences that may occur, what is performance of your

project team at given time period, Any change in project elements desired, what could be an impact on

processes due to these changes, After all the actions, will that lead to expected result?

258) List common pit holes or mistakes that creates issues in project delivery?

Answer: There can be various mistakes that may create issues in project delivery.

Assigning incompetent resource to manage the project

Lack of resources and skills

Doing everything myself approach instead of distribution of work as per resource and their skills Lack

of proper communication and failure to pass the message across the stack holders

Project initiation or start up is poorly managed

uncertain or unclear objective of project and processes

Wrong Estimation of time and budget

Failure to manage scope described in project

Over micro managing of projects like police and enforcing the pressure in order to achieve the tasks

Daily or weekly meets amongst team to update and understand the progress. Not

following the Processes

These are few of the mistakes that may result in delays in project delivery and there by losing the


259) What the basic components of defect report format are?

Answer: The defect report consists of unique identification number by which the defect is registered in bug

tracking software, project, product name, released version, product build, and module of a software where this

defect was observed. Defect report will have summary of defect, description and steps

followed that will reproduce the defect, Actual result and expected result, defect severity, ie. degree of

negative impact on quality of software due to the defect – critical, major, minor or trivial, priority of

defect is the urgency of fixing the defect, name of tester who has identified the defect, name of

developer to whom the defect has been assigned to resolve. Current status of defect whether it is still new,

assigned, open, resolved by developer, under test by tester, fixed or closed, based on bug life


260) What is risk-based testing?

Answer: Risk based testing starts with accessing risks related to complexity of logic, business criticality,

defect prone areas in application, frequency of use of sensitive computation of application features.

This involves priority of testing those areas of an software that involve critical features and

functionalities that are likely to fail. Such type of testing involves experienced testers that have

understanding of possible risks involved in mission critical applications.

positive impact of risk based testing are opportunity to learn and improve business sustainability when you

test application based on the risks involved

negative impact of risk based testing are threat of customer dissatisfaction, impact of overall project cost

due to detailed testing, bad or negative user experience, and possible loss of customers.

261) When is used Decision table testing?

Answer: Decision table testing are used to validate system behavior with different input combinations.

Best Example of such tests can be login to the application where there are two input values, namely

username and password and possible output can either be an error with not allowing to ent er in

application or allowed to enter the welcome page.

scenario 1 – username and password both can be wrong, resulting in error

scenario 2 – username can be correct, but password could be wrong, resulting in error

Scenario 3 – username can be wrong, but password could be right, resulting in error.

Scenario 4 – username and password both can be right and valid, allowing user to the welcome page.

262) What is a Proxy server?

Answer: Proxy servers acts as a gateway between your client machine’s browser and internet, offering

varying level of security, and good privacy from the threats from hackers and protect any data loss.

Proxy server masks your IP address, thereby gives you additional security.

One can use proxy to access those sites that are otherwise blocked eg. Your school library, or accessing

website back home while travelling abroad, posting comments on websites keeping your identity


263) what is test environment?

Answer: Test environment is a setting software and hardware similar to that o f production environment in

order to execute test cases and scenarios in order to test and verify the feature and functionality

developed in software results and there by check the quality of software, find defects in application.

264) what is test execution?

Answer: test execution begin as entry criteria that starts during software testing life cycle, in order to verify

application under test for any defect or deviation between actual and expected behavior of an application, by

following test steps as per test cases and run application to find bugs.

265) what is the difference between test scenarios, test cases, and test script?

Answer: Following are the definition that differentiate between them

Test scenario can be a description of test objective, tester can accomplish by testing an application in

multiple ways to ensure that the scenario has been covered with satisfaction.

Test case is summary of test scenario with steps or procedure to carry out with test data to the

application in order to validate that the application behave s as expected, or reproducing the defect by

following the steps written in test case, there by validate that the actual result deviate from expected


Test script is steps in order to mimic test case to validate applicatio n’s behavior as expected or behave s

differently to locate defect.

266) What all things you should consider before selecting automation tools for the AUT?

Answer: Following are few points to be considered before selecting automation tool for application under


Suitability of tool to accomplish types of tests to be carried out.

Skills require configuring and designing scripts to execute in order to run application as per test scripts.

Ability to capture reports, status of tests by the tool.

Availability of resources that can understand the technology used in designing the scripts and tool. Price

of the tool and its implications on project cost.

267) How will you conduct Risk Analysis?

Answer: Risk analysis can be conducted by analyzing the testing methods and selection of tests and way

in which it is carried out by testers, skills in identifying risks, prioritize their impact, and create

mitigation plans where appropriate in case those risks become real issues.

There are various aspects of project that impact risk such as estimation of resources and duration of

activities, schedule, cost estimates, budget, quality and decision of either rent cloud services or

procurement of infrastructure.

268) How would you allocate responsibilities to your team members?

Answer: Team manager or test lead should allocate responsibilities to your team members to achieve the

team’s goals. Roles or responsibility assigned to the team member based on his/her skills,

experience and abilities, in such a way that it increase s his morale and motivation.

269) What Is Docker?

Docker describes themselves as “an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run

distributed applications”. Docker container image is standalone, lightweight, executable package that

includes code, runtime, system tools, libraries and settings required to run the software. This can be quickly

deployed and run on different computing environments.

270) What is ETL testing / Data warehousing testing?

Answer: ETL testing is for Extract required data or information from data warehouse, Transform data in order

to make it suitable so that it can be loaded into the database. ETL testing is process of validating, verifying

and qualifying data preventing data duplication and data loss.

271) What steps would you verify in case your desktop takes too long to start up?

Answer: In case slower Microsoft Windows startup (boot up) are due to various reasons

Disable startup programs by observing by starting Windows task manager

Running ScanDisk and Defrag utility tools in order to free up hard drive from any errors

Check if hard drive space is insufficient, by removing any junk files or unused programs

Verify if computer is running with corrupt, incorrect, or out of data drivers as well as older versio n of

windows operating system required to upgrade.

Try clean system registry

Try considering format and reinstall Windows on the computer.

272) What do you mean by Defect Triage?

Answer: Defect triage is process of analyzing defect priority based on factors such as severity, risk, and

time required to fix /resolve the defect. During defect triage meet, stack holders discuss and decide the

priority of fixing the defects.

273) What is a test harness? Why do we need a test harness?

Answer: Test harness is collection of test data, software and scripts that drive software to execute test case or

steps in order to verify its behavior and output. Test execution engine and test script repository

are two main parts of test harness. Usually exists while unit and integration testing, it involves stubs

and drivers that are required for testing software modules and integrated components.

274) Why software has bugs?

Answer: Defects occur in software due to various reasons such as

Software complexity – making developer difficult to understand requirement, or how to design the desired


Miscommunication between product team and customer in knowing the exact requirement.

Programming errors during runtime or compile time of code base during integration process.

Timeline pressure that limits unit testing of all possible scenarios on design codes or programs

Change in requirements by customer that can introduce defect in already running application code.

275) What is Cause Effect Graph?

Answer: Cause Effect Graph is a black box test technique that represents graphically relation between

outcome and factors that affect the outcome, which assist in designing test cases.

276) What are the different strategies for roll out to end users?

Answer: Software Roll out to end users has following strategies

Pilot: The actual production system is installed at a single or limited number of users. Pilot basically means

that the product is actually rolled out to limited users for real work.

Gradual Implementation: In this implementation we ship the entire product to the limited users or all users at

the customer end. Here, the developers get instant feedback from the recipients which allow

them to make changes before the product is available. But the downside is that developers and t esters

maintain more than one version at one time.

Phased Implementation: In this implementation the product is rolled out to all users in incrementally.

That means each successive rollout has some added functionality. So as new functionality comes in, new

installations occur and the customer tests them progressively. The benefit of this kind of rollout is that

customers can start using the functionality and provide valuable feedback progressively. The only issue here is

that with each rollout and added functionality the integration becomes more complicated.

Parallel Implementation: In these types of rollouts the existing application is run side by side with the new

application. If there are any issues with the new application we again move back to the old

application. One of the biggest problems with parallel implementation is we need extra hardware,

software, and resources.

277) What are error guessing and error seeding?

Answer: Description between Error Guessing and Error Seeding as details below.

Error Guessing – It is a test case design technique in which testers have to imagine the defects that might

occur and write test cases to represent them.

Error Seeding – It is the process of adding known bugs in a program for tracking the rate of detection &

removal. It also helps to estimate the number of faults remaining in the program.

278) Do you feel comfortable standing up to developers who disagree with your results?

Answer: In some situations, reporting failures can be a delicate process. Perhaps a deve loper spent a lot

of time on some code which does not exactly meet specifications. QA engineers need to be able to stand

up for what they know is right.

279) Are you willing to cut corners to save time?

Answer: The correct Answer is NO. All test cases need to be run, and making assumptions frequently

leads to issues down the road, because as a Software quality tester it is your duty to cover all the

scenarios for the application for test coverage. It may happen that in case some area of test uncovered may

contain error at client side, and you can fall on your face by not testing that area.

280) what is validation in software testing?

Answer: The meaning of validation is to confirm if application or system designed is in compliance with

the client’s requirements and its feature functions as desired and thereby meets goals and needs of end

user. In short it is to verify the software build is right product.

281) what is verification in software testing?

Answer: The meaning of verification is to confirm that the designed product delivers and satisfies all the

functionalities expected to fulfill as expected by end user. In short it is to test whether the product

build is right (functions as expected)?

282) what is API testing?

Answer: API testing is a part of integration tests that verifies that the application programming

interface communicates between two different systems and meets functionality, reliability,

performance, and security as expected by client. Various API testing tools are SOAPUI, Postman and

REST Assured.

283) what is web service testing?

Answer: Web service testing validates web services build on API works as expected. The functionality,

reliability, performance, and security of application programming interface (API) provided to

communicate in order to receive response of requests sent via HTTP protocol over an internet. Web

services can be tested by asking requests over internet via HTTP protocol and receives response. Various web

service testing tools are SOAPUI, Postman and Meter, vest

284) what is Postman?

Answer: Postman is open source API client that sends REST, SOAP and GraphQL requests and used to test

RESTful API that have been created. It uses GET, PUT, POST and other HTTP methods in order to verify

API functionality.

285) what is REST Assure?

Answer: REST assured is a java based library used to test RESTful API and web services, HTTP responses, status

code, status messages and headers and body of responses.

286) what is Cucumber?

Answer: Cucumber is a tool that supports Behavior driven development, allowing expected software

behavior specified into logical language a customer can understand. This tool is developed using Ruby, and

Gherkin which is the format for cucumber specifications.

287) what is Capybara?

Answer: Capybara is a web-based automation framework used for creating functional tests that simulate how

users would interact with your application. It supports selenium web driver, JavaScript, HTTP

resources outside of application, used in running automated functional tests for web based application.

288) What is Salesforce?

Answer: Salesforce is a cloud based customer relationship management service, designed to help you

sell, service, market, analyze, and connect with your customers. This is software that stores customer

contact information like names, addresses, and phone numbers, as well as keeps track of customer

activity like website visits, phone calls, email, and more.

289) What is Testing?

Answer: Testing is an automation testing framework used to cover a wider range of test categories: unit,

functional, end-to-end, integration, etc., with more powerful and easy-to-use functionalities such as use

of annotations, parallel testing etc. for application developed using java programming language.

290) What is TeamCity?

Answer: TeamCity is continuous integration servers that help integrate the code, build an application in

premise and over the cloud.

291) What is Gradle?

Answer: Gradle is a build automation tool for multi-language software development. It helps to compile,

package, test, and deploy an application.

292) What is Framework?

Answer: Software framework is a structured way in which certain type of files are saved at particular

folders, making it uniform to use and search for by end users and develo pment team, eg. Eclipse is an

integrated development Environment where various project can be designed by keeping together

compiled code and reference classes in such a way that their integration is taken care by eclipse

internally making developers free from integration of these files. Eg. JavaScript framework, Application

framework, web framework and Ajax framework.

293) have you heard about Teradata?

Answer: Teradata is one of the relational database management systems, suitable for building large scale

data warehousing applications for large volumes of data. Used in telecom, social platforms like twitter, face

book, and online marketplace such as amazon, flipkart, and other ecommerce sites.

294) Have you heard about Hadoop?

Answer: Hadoop is an open source framework or collection of software utilities that stores data and runs

applications on clusters, providing massive storage for any kind of data, processing power and limitless

concurrent tasks.

295) Have you heard about Hansoft agile planning tool?

Answer: Hansoft is an agile planning tool providing single platform for decision making at project,

program and portfolio level, can be extended to diverse and dispersed teams across the globe for

various projects.

296) what is JIRA Issue and project tracking tool?

Answer: Jira help create user stories and issues, plan sprints, and distribute tasks across software

teams, prioritize and discuss team’s work with complete visibility; keep track of latest release related

information and real time visual data on team’s performance.

297) What do you think our company could do better?

Answer: This interview question helps you to uncover how much research the candidate did before

meeting with you, and it demonstrates their ability to think on the spot.

298) What experience do you have with developing corner cases?

Answer: This question will help you to figure out if your tester is willing to dig for different test case

scenarios that might not be as intuitive or clear up front.

299) Explain any of bug tracking tool,

Answer: I have used Bugzilla, to log bugs and track their status during software development life cycle,

Once the bug and its description and steps carried out to reproduce it is logged in, and assigned to

developer. The defect can be searched using advanced search, it is very easy to use, and is lightweight open

source software for bug management.

300) What is DevTrack cloud based development?

Answer: DevTrack is a cloud based software development tracking software that keep connected with all the

stackholders, interact, communicate and thus manage, prioritize and track tasks, and bugs during

development lifecycle. create projects, sprints and user stories on the fly, view and share real time reports

and data to analyze project status.

301) Did you use TestRail Test case management tool?

Answer: TestRail is powerful test management, test execution, and results tracking, as well as project and

quality planning. It helps capture test results, attach files and logs, screenshots as a proof of

testing, and link with bugs registered.

302) What is configuration management?

Answer: configuration management is to maintain optimum state of product such as hardware, software and

network as an infrastructure’s performance, functional and physical attribu tes in line with its

requirement, design and operations in order for their best performance throughout its life.

303) What are popular configuration management tools you have heard of?

Answer: Popular configuration management tools are Ansible, Chef, Pu ppet Enterprise, Terraform to

name a few which are industry famous configuration management tools for infrastructure maintenance.

304) What is scalability testing?

Answer: Scalability testing is test methodology where performance of application is tested by measuring scale

up and scale down the number of user requests and cope up with the load accordingly. eg. Amazon cloud

services offer best real time Example where during peak hours amazon an online shopping web

portal handles extreme load of user’s accessing the site and in normal case very few customers

accessing the site.

305) What is concurrency testing?

Answer: Concurrency testing is verifying the performance and load bearing capacity of application when

multiple users accessing the website and performing same action such as accessing the pages, searching the

products, checking the review and shop the selected products online. concurrency testing checks

latency of page load, and quick response rate during peak hours with multiple users logged in to the web


306) What is endurance testing?

Answer: Endurance testing is nonfunctional testing of an application where the behavior of application

is analyzed with a significant load extended over significant interval / period of time. It differs fro m load testing

where load bearing capacity of an application is measured. In endurance testing the goal is to

check any memory leaks and how system performs under sustained usage.

307) Have you appeared for ISTQB foundation test?

Answer: Many companies have hiring criteria of to hire someone who has passed ISTQB foundation exam as a

tester, as it validates ability to understand testing related terms and principles in software

industry. ISTQB foundation test is a universally accepted online exam to assessment of knowledge on

fundamentals of software testing for testing professionals. If you have already appeared for the exam

and passed this exam you can mention it. But if you have been thinking of appearing for this exam, you

should convince the interviewer that you will sooner appear for the same.

308) When should you stop software testing activities?

Answer: Software testing activities can be stopped based on following factors

How many Test case execution completed and bugs occurred fixed during the regression testing

Based on the Testing deadline decided in test plan by project manager

Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) rate if reduced and is within the acceptable rate.

Code Coverage Ratio can be calculated based on various tests like statement coverage, branch coverage etc.

309) Can you explain in short 7 principles of software testing?

Answer: Seven principles of software Testing are as below

Testing shows presence of defects – testing any software will uncover defects in it Early

Testing is essential and will help defect in the initial stage of development.

Exhaustive testing is not possible – It is not possible to check each and every condition and criteria of


Testing is context Dependent – Different domains are tested differently, thus testing is purely based on the

context of the domain or application.

Defect clustering – 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the modules.

Pesticide paradox – the set of test cases needs to be regularly reviewed and revised.

Absence of Error is fallacy as it will be impossible to imagine software without a defect.

310) what is Defect Clustering?

Answer: Defect clustering is accumulation of most of the defects are found in just few modules. It is said that

80% of defects are found in 20% of modules.

Defect clustering occures in following scenarios

1) When defects surface even after testing with multiple test cases and scenarios. 2)

These defects show up only around some application features.

311) What is Defect Density?

Answer: Defect Density is number of confirmed defects identified in software/module during a

development period divided by the size of the software. It is calculated as defect count/size of the

release, where size of release is total line of code in release.

e.g. if module1 has 25 bugs, module2 has 15 bugs, and module3 has 50 bugs, total number of code per

modules are module1 has 1250 LOC (lines of code), module2 has 2575 LOC , and module3 has 7500 LOC,

then Total bugs = 25+15+50 = 90, and size = 1250+2575+7500 = 11325, Defect density will be =

90/11325 = 0.00794 defects/loc = 7.94 defects/Kloc.

312) what is Age of Defect?

Answer: Age of Defect is the difference of time from date when defect was detected till the date defect was

fixed or a current date if defect is still open (not resolv ed).

313) What is Build?

Answer: software build is a process that converts code files by compiling these files and with all

dependent files forms an application which accomplishes the features and functionality expected by the end

user. The build contains compiled source files compressed formats such as jar or zip formats.

314) What is release?

Answer: Software release is a deployable software package after several iterations, where all defects have

been fixed to be installed at Production environment.

315) What is a difference between Build and release?

Answer: DevOps team gives Build to the testing team, release is tested and accepted version of product to

their customers. Build is tested by testing team and after all the major and critical bugs have been

resolved then this build becomes a release for the customers. Build can be rejected by testing team if it does

not meet client’s requirements.

316) Can you list some Continuous integration tools?

Answer: Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo CI, GitLab CI, and Cruise Control are some of famous continuous

integration tools used across software industries.

317) Can you list some Continuous Deployment tools?

Answer: Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo, GitLab, and Octopus Deploy are some of famous continuous

deployment tools used across software industries.

318) What tools for version control have you used?

Answer: CSV, SVN and GIT are some very famous version control tools/software’s used across software

DevOps community.

319) What API testing tools you are aware of?

Answer: SOAPUI, Postman, and REST Assure are some of the well-known API testing tools.

320) What Test management tools did you use?

Answer: Zephyr, JIRA, TestLink and TestRail are few test management tools, to know more about test

management tools refer link

321) What is CRUD standsfor?

Answer: CRUD stands for CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE. In relational database applications these are

major functions that are implemented.

322) What important web browsers do you know?

Answer: You can very well have known that Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari along with

Internet Explorer are important browsers accepted and used by end users and clients as approved

browser for application under test.

323) What Operating systems you are aware of?

Answer: You may have worked on various operating systems such as Windows 7 or Windows XP, Ubuntu,

Linux or Unix.

For Windows operating system in desktop computer,

select Computer icon,

right click and select Properties,

will open You will come to know what windows version / edition etc.

For Unix or Linux operating system,

open terminal,

type For remote server login using the ssh:ssh user@server-name

Type any one of the following command to find os name and version in Linux: cat

/etc/os-release. OR lsb_release -a. OR hostnamectl.

Type the following command to find Linux kernel version:

uname -r

324) What is CRM software?

Answer: CRM stands for customer relationship management, improves enhanced communication,

managing sales team and customer opportunities, determining high quality sales leads, sales analytics, reports

and dashboards, integration over email and mobile phones.

325) List few of CRM software used for customer relationship management.

Answer: Salesforce, Pipedrive, Insightly, Zoho CRM, and Hubspot CRM are some of the CRM softwares utilized

in sales and customer relationship management activities.

326) What Is Cyclomatic Complexity in software testing?

Answer: Cyclomatic complexity for a section of code i s measure of number of independent linear path taken

by it. This is a standard of measurement of complexity of a program or code. For eg. There are multiple if

statement in a program code, then total number of path will be equal to number of if


327) mention the categories of debugging?

Answer: There are mainly four categories of debugging

Brute force


Cause elimination

Program slicing

328) How do you go about learning a new product?

Answer: It is essential for all IT professionals to update his/her skills with new technologies, languages,

software, tools and keep pace with new advancements in technologies. In order to learn new product, one

should start researching about it on product’s website under introduction or documentation,

understand installation and install the software on his/her machine. Configure it and follow ‘Getting


This will give you confidence as you are doing and accomplishing on newer areas which you have not

explored. In case of new languages, read tutorials and watch you-tube videos.

329) How you coped with having to learn any new skills?

Answer: You should Answer above question by showing how passionate you are about knowing, learning and

updating your skills.

You may say as, during my initial days with previous job as software developer trainee, It was a

challenge to prove myself in 6 month of probationary period.

I began learning UNIX commands, took a course where basics of computer peripherals was taught. Lab

training and surprise tests helped me a lot. My team lead and managers have supported and encouraged me to

pursue various courses and certifications. This helped me gain solid background in basic


330) What is performance testing?

Answer: performance testing is non-functional testing type to determine the speed, responsiveness and

stability of computer, network, desktop or web based applications under load. Superset of load and

stress tests are spike, volume, endurance, and scalability testing. During performance testing attributes like

speed, response time, throughput, resource usage, and stability are tested.

331) What is Load testing?

Answer: A subset of performance testing, is nonfunctional type where analysis of system behavior

during normal and peak conditions where highest number of logged in users as well as first time visitors

exploring the site. Some of the load testing tools are Load Runner, Apache JMeter, NeoLoad and

LoadNinja used in industry.

332) What is Stress Testing?

Answer: Stress Testing is nonfunctional testing to measure limit till software withstands the load, or limit at

which system or software or hardware breaks.

333) What is Spike Testing?

Answer: Spike Testing is nonfunctional testing where application under test are tested against sudden and

extreme increase or decrease in load, the extreme variations are measured in such type of

performance tests.

334) What is Volume Testing?

Answer: when software is subjected to high value of data, the performance test is known as volume


335) How well do you work with others?

Answer: It is important and essential to work with others and usually in groups with people of different likes,

dislikes, beliefs and expertise. Team work is a basis to achieve shared goal or outcome in an

effective way. You as an individual have to listen to other team members, share your view, discuss and come

with best way to bring the best work output from team shared efforts. This question is asked to understand

you as a team player, ability to work in team, share your opinion a nd convince your group for best results,

and find out how good communicator you are?

336) What motivates you?

Answer: This is a tricky question asked where if you have not prepared cannot Answer such questions.

Interview here want to know you are honest about your motivations and how would it benefit with the job

offered to you. Various factors like

meeting deadlines,

targets or goals,

mentoring and coaching others,

learning new things and

Finding a way to solve a problem, or overcome a challenge.

337) Have you worked as independent contributor?

Answer: In this interviewer want to know that are you able to manage your task without any

supervision? How reliable you are if given position which needs your own decisions and instincts to

drive yourself. In such position, co-workers from other department may rely on your work to complete their

work. For eg. if you are accounts receivable clerk, your making invoices will help product dispatch department,

your collection of payments from customers will bring in s alary for entire staff.

338) Explain PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

Answer: PDCA OR Plan Do Check Act is an iterative four step management method to control and

continuously improve processes and products. PDCA cycle are used while starting a new projec t,

repetitive work by analyzing following

What is a core problem need to solve,

Resources we need, what resources we already have ,

Best optimum solution to fix the problem, How to bring success to your plan.

339) Give one Example of High priority and high severity

Answer: The Design software gets stuck or hangs often when enter key have been pressed to review the final

draft. This is defect of high priority and high severity and should be resolved and corrected as such product

cannot be shipped to client.

340) Give one Example of High priority and low severity

Answer: If a Company name is misspelled on the home page of web portal, is an Example of high priority to be

fixed as it may impact company reputation or may represent as fake product with misspel led

company name. However other functionality in the web portal will function perfectly.

341) Give one Example of Low priority and high severity

Answer: A printer printing multiple copies instead of single copy has a high severity as the customer will

experience wastage, due to printing task still pending. This can be fixed in next release of the product.

342) Give one Example of Low priority and low severity

Answer: The Example of Low priority and low severity can be Spelling, Grammatical, punctuation marks not

properly placed, and such mistakes in product labels.

343) Describe a situation where you successfully collaborated with developers to deploy a program or


Answer: Interviewer wants to understand how do you handle your tasks in day to day basis, Are you

motivated by accomplishing tasks that needs collaboration with other team members from different

department? Can you convey your message to someone who is not from your team? Finally you’re

convincing and ability to drive or influence others is measured by this question.

344) Describe a time when you acted proactively to increase system performance.

Answer: In this question, interviewer wants to ascertain your reactiveness towards standards accepted and

required by organization. You can narrate a story where you have proved your mattel by convincing your team

lead, managers and product head to improve upon system performance by replacing

hardware configuration and suggesting better alternatives hardware to install supplied software fo r better


345) How do you keep up-to-date with industry developments? Are there specific blogs or forums you


Answer: This is a question where you can Answer based on your reading and being upgrade with latest

technologies and industry developments, Where in you may be receiving emails from various domain

experts, blogs, read articles and tutorials on various technologies in demand.

346) What process are you using for testing currently? Can you describe how you might improve it?

Answer: As a software tester, you may be working on black box testing like functional, regression,

smoke, database testing, API testing, web services testing etc. These are functional tests, then

integration tests and then nonfunctional i.e. performance testing. Use of automation in API and

database testing using scripts can improve the testing efforts.

347) What is your favorite testing tool? Why? If some technical constraint meant you were unable to

use it, what would you do instead?

Answer: You mayAnswer this question only when you are aware of testing tools and what test types these

tools are used for. You can explain why tool is favorite, as what special features make this tool

unique from other tools testing same type of testing. Interviewer wish to underst and, how is your view with

finding alternative solution or workaround, to what extent you are dependent to the environment,

circumstances, teammates, tools, personal computer etc. Or you can quickly adapt the change. You

should be well versed with the testing tool that is favorites, you should able to substitute in case it is not


348) How to handle a situation when you don’t have time for complete testing?

Answer: Interviewer wants to know, how do you react real time scenario when there is a de livery and

acceptance testing is on the way, what tests will you take on priority? The Answer to this question will depend

on how did you work and perform under pressure environment. The most critical feature that was not working

and have been send with a defect, It is mandatory to check if the critical and major

bugs have been resolved or not, The regression tests should be carried out and integration tests that

validates feature, end to end testing should be carried out. Based on the test results, we can decide to

release the build or not.

349) Do you measure how effective (or not) your testing is? What metrics do you use?

Answer: You need to organize things first – You need to plan testing procedure, how will you divide the testing

process, various types, test cases based on the test types, how will you test cases – using

automation scripts or manual? Will you keep updating spreadsheets during testing application over

version control software OR use test management tools like JIRA or Bugzilla so that all the testing

execution, the date of execution, test cases executed, test status, registered bugs etc. can be accessed by

everyone on central location.

Writing detailed bug reports with clarity, backend logs captured during reproducing the defect.

Test cases should be written clearly, with all steps and expected results, attend daily meets between team

members and share concerns regarding any issues if any. Ask question to our self to understand better.

Exploration of application to know the features, ultima tely find out various bugs in it.

350) How well do you work under pressure and with deadlines?

Answer: In Agile environment where requirements change frequently, development and testing

activities are carried out in 2 weeks of interval where user stori es need to be converted as working

features in the software under development, testers need to verify that these features are designed as

required by the end user. Regression tests are required to be carried out to verify resolved defects are fixed

and no new bugs gets uncovered.

351) What different software testing methods are used by a software company?

Answer: There are mainly three software testing methods used during testing of their application


black box,

white box and

grey box

352) Name some of the test cases that you can automate.

Answer: Types of test cases that can be automated are

Smoke test cases,

Regression test cases.

Data-driven test cases and

Non-functional test cases.

353) Name some roll out strategies for end-users.

Answer: There are multiple strategies to choose from, you can select either of these according to your



Gradual Implementation

Parallel Implementation

Staged Execution

354) What is Application Binary Interface (ABI)?

Answer: Portability of applications in binary forms across different systems, platforms and environments being

the requirement defined in specifications of an interface known as Application Binary Interface

(ABI). For conformation to an ABI specification, testing of an executable appl ication is mandatory for

portability across system platforms and environments.

355) What is a interruption testing?

Answer: In telecom industries mobiles and landlines call drop has been a common cause of interruption, which

may have adverse effect on application in use, testing an application for interruption for behavior of application

during interruption and then back to the point of start without any error or not?.

356) What is CMM – Capability Maturity Model for a software?

Answer: Capability Maturity Model for software is a model for judging the maturity of the software

processes of an organization and for identifying the key practices that are required to increase the

maturity of these processes.

357) When is a case where automating a test case is not viable solution?

There are many advantages of test automation and test cases should be automated when possible and

when appropriate. However, there are certain scenarios when test automation is not preferable and manual

testing is a better option:

When the validation depends on the person performing the test (UI/UX, usability, look -and-feel)

When the feature is being developed with constant changes and automating the test cases would mean a

waste of resources

When the test cases have extreme complexity and automating them would be a waste of resources

When the requirement is for testers to perform manual sessions in order to gain deeper insight into the system

358) How well do you deal with Ambiguity?

Answer: Ambiguity is scenario which is open to more than one criterion, making it unclear to decide,

there are various use cases or test cases are not generally straightforward and QA Engineers should

follow up on their own judgment. They have to feel great with ambiguity.

359) What is Emulator?

Answer: Emulator A device, computer program, or system that behave s like another system and accepts

the same inputs and produces the same outputs as a given system, it be have s as translator.

360) What is Simulator?

Answer: A simulator is designed to create an environment that contains all of the software variables and

configurations that will exist in an application’s actual production environment.

361) What is CAST?

Answer: CAST is ashort for Computer Aided Software Testing, refers to the computing-based processes,

techniques and tools for testing software applications or programs carried out using combination of

software and hardware based tools.

362) What is Race Condition?

Answer: RACE is a problem caused due to multiple accesses to a shared resource, one of which is a write

privilege, undesirable situation that occurs when a device or system attempts to perform two or more

operations at the same time.

363) What is Binary Portability Testing?

Answer: Binary Portability Testing is a test to verify po rtability across different platforms and

environments, these tests validates Application Binary Interface specifications; it is carried out on

various Windows flavors of operating systems, Linux, Mac OS, Java, Solaris and Android operating


364) What are the challenges that you face as a software tester in the current/previous company?

Answer: Interviewer wants to dig into your sentimental area of mind, where in case you out of

excitement reveal pain areas and tough situations you are facing at pr esent, it will be an input for the

recruiter to assess your potential or limit of stress that you can handle during pressured environment and

deal with people with discipline.

365) What is a difference between functional and nonfunctional testing?

Answer: Following are the difference between functional testing and non-functional testing

Functional Testing Non Functional Testing

Verifies operations and actions on

application under test

Verifies behavior of application when

subjected to load or stress

These tests checks if features functions as

expected by end user’s requirements

These type of tests checks applications are

developed as per expectations of end user

Functional tests helps enhance user


Nonfunctional tests improves performance of an


Types of nonfunctional tests are

performance, load, stress, and scalability tests

Types of functional tests are unit testing,

smoke tests, integration tests, regression tests

366) List REST constraints that describe basis of RESTful style?

Answer: The six constraints that describes basis of RESTful style are

Uniform Interface




Layered System

Code on Demand

367) What 201 HTTP response codes describes?

Answer: 201 – means HTTP Request is successful creation via either POST or PUT – HTTP methods.

368) What is a status code for internal server error?

Answer: HTTP status code for internal server error is 500

369) Have you come across 404 response code?

Answer: Yes, The meaning of 404 response code displayed on web page is – The server cannot find the

requested page. i.e. There is no page found at server for the URL search.

370) What is a difference between PUT and POST in case of REST API?

Answer: PUT updates a specific resource or collection of resources, whereas POST creates a new


371) What is expected for a manual tester to master automation testing?

Answer: It is mandatory for manual tester to have understanding on following for executing automation script

for testing an application.

Understanding and hands-on working using Unix commands

Installation of selenium on a client machine having various operating system – Windows and Unix

Understand the automation framework and installation of automation related build / patch on client


How to capture and locate xPath of various web elements

Create test data for the automation script in order to execute test cases

Understanding shell script to automate execution in Windows or UNIX operating system.

Analysis of test status

Understanding of errors, exceptions, or assert statement that may stop execution of script.

372) What could go wrong during execution of automation script to test application?

Answer: There can be various scenarios which may stop execution of test cases.

Automation execution of bulk test cases may stop, if any of the web element takes longer than implicit wait

period set by script.

xPath of element wrongly defined would fail locating web element

Network connection may get lost while executing application that was accessed fr om web server

Assert command may fail further execution

If execution of script failure gets identified, tester has to remotely analyze, how many test cases have

successfully executed, from which test case id execution should start again. Setting of flag so that

already executed test cases do not again gets executed.

373) What is a unix command to read contents offile?

Answer: In order to read content of a file, unix command used is cat, command line code to type after

opening a terminal is cat filename, alternatively, you can use vi command or vim command like vi

filename or vim filename.

374) What is a Unix command to run programs with security privileges?

Answer: In order to execute or run program or read, write or execute files with security privileg e, unix

command used is sudo.

375) What is a unix command to copy file from remote machine?

Answer: scp is a unix command used, In order to copy file from remote machine to a local machine.

376) How multiple inheritance feature can be used in Java?

Answer: Multiple inheritance is a feature from object oriented concept, where class can implement

properties of more than one parent class. this can be done using syntax as

class childclass implements parentclass1, parentclass2

377) What is an interface in Java?

Answer: Java interface may have methods and variables, interface methods are without body i.e.

abstract methods or methods should be inside abstract class. Interface are used to achieve abstraction and

multiple inheritance.

378) What are various permissions to access file?

Answer: There are three permissions to access file

Read – File with read permission, can be viewed and copied from, but cannot modify contents of a file. Write

– File with write permission, can be modify, rename, move as well as create new files.

Execute – File with execute permission can run the file by any user.

379) What is a Unix command to change the access mode of a file?

Answer: chmod is a unix command is to change access mode of a file.

380) What is silk test?

Answer: Silk test is a regression testing tool used for testing application based on Java, Windows and

Web based client server applications.

381) What is an error seeding?

Answer: Error seeding is a process of intentionally adding a defect in an application to identify the pace of error

detection as well as tester’s understanding of functionality of an application.

382) What is a data driven testing?

Answer: Data driven testing usually carried out while executing automation scripts, where user inputs are

captured from Excel, CSV, file formats or ODBC database connection.

383) What is desired by a project head as a candidate while taking an interview?

Answer: It is observed that a candidate is responsive, quick learner, has a passion to understand, can

exceed expectations, problem solver and able to handle pressure. As software projects demands quick

responses when client requests a demo, requests discussion on requirement, need help trouble shoot his

issues with existing infrastructure or application bought fr om your organization. This will create a lasting

image of your organization and after sales service, it will also give you an opportunity to

showcase the skills and problem solving abilities.

384) List classes and interfaces from Java collection framework.

Answer: Java Collection framework consists of 4 interfaces and 7 classes as listed below

Collection Interface in Java Set, List, Queue and Deque

Collection Classes in Java

ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList,


Hashset, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet

385) what is a difference between SVN and GIT

Answer: SVN and Git are both version control software, with a difference as SVN is centralized version

control software without centralized server or repository, whereas Git is distributed version control that utilize

multiple repositories like centralized repository, server as well as local repositories.

386) What is Git?

Answer: Git is open source version control software to manage small to complex software projects.

387) Can you explain how a page of any web portal would display that sell software online allowing

free downloads

Answer: I can give details about Techsmith’s Camtasia web portal.

Left side corner display company icon with name of company, with menu titles such as Products,

Solutions, Support, Resources, About and Store

Right side corner display search icon where in user can click it and search product/software for

download or tutorials or installation guide

contact information icon will display how to connect with Sales, Customer service, distributor and link

to renew the software

Product menus display list of softwares offered by the company

Solution menus display where and how can we use the software

Support menus display tutorials, videos, online help of the software

Resources menus display media, customer reviews,

About menus display company information

Store menus displays software download links

388) What is Artificial Intelligence?

Answer: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making instruments that can think and act like human. Machine

learning and statistical techniques with available data are used to make this simple task progressively better.

There are two categories of Artificial Intelligence

Narrow Artificial Intelligence where single task is performed extremely well and rationally, some

Examples are Google search, Image recognition software, Siri, Alexa, self driving automobiles.

Artificial General Intelligence is a machine with intelligence like a human, and solve problems just like

humans. Some Examples are Disease mapping, drone robots, Song or TV show recommendations from Spotify

and Netflix.

389) Have you heard of (IoT)Internet of Things?

Answer: The internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects such as sensors, softwares that

connects with each other and exchange data that can be collected or analyzed to bring out and

understand pattern that help identifying such pattern which gives results or conclusion.

For Example – weather report of particular geographic location can be collected for past 10 years to

cultivate particular variety of vegetation. From the medical history of a group of people and the

medicines treatment will bring us for better treatment alternatives.

390) Explain how can IoT can be used in advantage?

Answer: Common uses of internet of Things (IoT) are smart manufacturing, power grid, smart cities, and

preventive and predictive maintenance.

391) In order to check the condition frequently, what do you use in a program?

Answer: We look loop to check particular condition repeatedly until it is satisfie d.

392) what various loop types are you aware of, say in Java?

Answer: there is for loop with syntax

for (initialization, condition, iteration) { some action}

while loop with syntax while (condition) { some action}, do

(some action) while (condition)

For (type var : array) { statements using var;}, this syntax is used to iterate each element of array.

393) What are the steps you take when things does not work?

Answer: This question is asked to understand your response to adverse conditions, how you reac t, and

how do you resolve the situation. In Software industries, people always work between next deadlines,

and hence work under continuous pressure of delivery and limited time line. At times browsers freeze,

software fail to perform, you don’t get result after repeatedly trying various solutions, and then first

thing you should do is to try ask help from the superiors or experienced group member who can give

you quick workaround. TheAnswer will display your ability to remain open to discussion, seek solut ion and

prove you to have determination to bring results in adverse situations.

394) What is your approach when automation script does not work?

Answer: There are many reasons for automation script not working as expected. Some scenarios can be as

listed below

The build might miss essential libraries, driver files or reference files. Java

version or browser type/version may not be compatible

Application may have web element moved to different place or missing due to change request Xpath

may have not working for the element, need customized xpath that identify the element Newer

browser like chrome may not support the drivers that help execute script

Either data provided or event fired may not perform as expected

Exception not handled properly leaving script stop intermittently Wait

applied may not able to locate element due to network issue

DOM structure not being uploaded properly resulting in assert or verify fail the script.

Application may not be stable yet, making script fail due to dynamic xpath of ele ment.

395) How would you approach your seniors and request them to help you resolve the issue?

Answer: Experience makes person perfect in the ways he perform. Seniors have experience with working

in software industry, dealing with people, communicating, implementing things in most efficient way.

You have to respect your seniors and approach them in case you need help to resolve the issue, you can

take their time due in advance, respect their time, explain all the queries they ask. Seniors are always

eager to help new comers and welcome them.

396) Have you done test environment set up yourself?

Answer: It is usually testers who have to install new build or patch releases on incremental base. It is

essential to create test environment similar to that of production. Tester should able to install entire

build released to clients by connecting remotely to their servers and give demo as well as acceptance

test with test data. Tester will refer installation guide published along with the build with list of bugs

fixed and assigned back to testers to test/verify. Testers undergo regression tests using automation

script for functionality, performance, API and security tests. Tester follows steps to install released

build which comes in JAR format web application designed using java programming language. In case

he/she finds difficulty or error installing build, he can communicate with operations team and take help of

system admin/database admin or developer. Installation document should steps for installing build

on servers that usually have UNIX operating system. But from the client system that operate on

Windows or UNIX operating system. Testers should be well versed with Unix as well as Windows

commands to go to file location, create new folder, save, rename, copy downloaded JAR build at remote

server, Use Servers like Tomcat, AWS, IIS servers, IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans. Once Installation is done

Testers have to smoke test application to verify that application pages are stable and display all the pages

and database connection works fine.

397) How do you configure Tomcat server?

Answer: We need to install JDK into client machine, download tomcat from as per

System type (usually 64 bit operating system for Windows), and set CATALINA_HOME as location. We

need to configure server.xml, web.xml and context.xml, from bin folder double click on startup.bat to start

tomcat server. Open browser and type, http://localhost:8080 and press enter. Welcome Tomcat page should


398) Where do you gather test data from to test social networking site prototype?

Answer: Social networking sites like face book, twitter, WhatsApp are used to communicate between two or

more friends or group of people. User can send messages, share files, image files, audio and

video files. There should be various test data in each of the formats for testing transferring these files.

399) What is a sentiment analysis?

Answer: For social networking sites like face book and twitter people share personal pictures, videos

and comments or famous quotes as well as send videos and images of news trending (currently popular)

becomes test data. Viewers can either like, dislike or write comments. Number of likes is positive

sentiments; numbers of dislikes are negative sentiments, further from viewer’s comments. These texts

are analyzed and synonyms extract subjective information and help business to understand social

sentiment of brand, product or service during online conversations.

400) How would you list featuresfrom the requirements?

Answer: Requirement is capability of a product or services to satisfy customer need and features are set of

requirements that are bundled in an application so that user gets satisfy by using application’s


Example – Requirement is on click of a button documents or image should be printed.

Feature Microsoft word software has a Print feature, which on clicking a print icon will send the content of a

document to attached printer.

401) What is a difference between multi-tasking and multi threading

Answer: Following are the major differences between multitasking and multithreading

Multitasking Multithreading

CPU perform many tasks during


Multiple threads are created from a process with


CPU keep switching the task in

multitasking CPU switch threads during multithreading

In multitasking, each process is allocated

separate resources

In multithreading, each process share same


Termination of process takes more time in


Termination of process takes less time in


402) What are differences between collection types eg enumeration and iterator?

Answer: Iterator and enumeration both are cursors that are used to access an element from collection, both

are interfaces from java.util package, however there are differences between them as listed below

Iterator Enumeration

Reading and removing element while

traversing elements is possible with Iterator

Element can only be read with

enumeration, while traversing elements

during enumeration

Iterator can be used with any class of

collection framework

Enumeration can be used with legacy class like

Vector and HashTable of collection


Any changes in collection like removing

elements throw concurrent modification

exception during iterating collection.

Enumeration is fail safe and does not

throw any concurrent modification


Methods used iterator

are hasNext(), next(), remove()

Methods used by enumeration are

hasMoreElements(), nextElement()

403) Why do we use Joins?

Answer: Joins are commands used to combine records from two or more tables based on related column

and have one-to-many or many-to-may relationship between these tables. Based on relation between

columns of multiple tables, records common from these tables can be retrieved using join commands.

404) What is a penetration testing?

Answer: Penetration testing is done in order to reveal security weakness of systems or software, where

a query is created that tries to break the security and enter into the system and can steal valuable

information. Pen testing is of various types like External, Internal, Blind, Double Blind, and Targeted

Testing. Various pen testing tools are Metasploit, Burp Suite, and Nessus vulnerability Assessment.

405) What can one track with history of changes using version control software?

Answer: Devops team can keep track of activities from the list of commands executed from the history folder

of version control software. It is possible to revert back the clock by comparing code of earlier version with

current version.

406) How would you test application related to Payments domain?

Answer: Payments domain deals with all online transactions that can be carried out to avail services or

purchase products from the seller. There are many ways payments can be made through an interface

called payment gateway. It is essential to understand what inputs are required in order to pay through

credit or debit card, UPI transaction, paying through bank transfers, Payment in international curren cies

like dollars etc. How quickly the transaction gets verified, in case of failed transaction, reason of failure,

in case of successful transaction, report of transaction via email or SMS to registered mobile number. In

case of any delay or network issue, refund of transaction should take place. These integration tests

should be carried out with all possible scenarios.

407) What do you know about iOS and mobile testing?

Answer: Mobile testing is mainly divided into Android and iOS operating system, as A ndroid or iOS

mobiles are most popularly used and purchased by general public. The testing of mobile applications

can be tested for web based applications, native applications on mobile or hybrid (web based as well as native

apps). The testing is usually done using Appium as mobile testing tool.

408) Explain what do you mean by UML diagram?

Answer: UML diagram is a modeling language to design and explain business processes and workflow

involved in software modules that can be either done before coding the application (Forward Design) or

after writing the code (Backward Design) for activities, roles, actors and workflows. UML diagrams are

further divided into behavioral and structural categories. Behavioral UML include Activity and Use Case

diagram, whereas Structural UML include class or object diagram.

409) How would you configure any open source software into yoursystem?

Answer: There are two main operating systems being installed on systems in any organization,

Linux/Unix OR Windows. In order to install any open source software,

For UNIX or Linux Operating system, we need to go to download section of the open source web page,

install pre-built binary package,

Run “./configure” from command line to configure the software Run

“make” to compile the software

Run “make install” to install the software.

for Windows operating system, go to download page of open software site, select port specific to your client

machine, run the installer and install the application.

410) Have you heard of Oracle PL / SQL,

Answer: PL/SQL is an extension to structured query language to accomplish more comprehensive

solution for building mission critical applications running on oracle database. It has various functions,

procedures, triggers, cursors and conditional looping for designing solutions using database records.

411) What are stored procedures?

Answer: Stored procedures are functions or procedures that are compiled and stored in oracle database, these

are PL/SQL functions that accepts parameters and return a value wh ereas procedures does not

return a value, PL/SQL block structure are like





412) Give a situation where Triggers are used

Answer: Triggers are similar to stored procedure defined such that these triggers run as soon as spec ific

actions occur within a database. Triggers are run after DML actions such as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. They

can be INSTEAD OF or AFTER Triggers.

413) What is the difference between XML and JSON?

Answer: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format easy to understand

and generate whereas XML is textual data format that support Unicode for different human languages,

designed to carry data, not to display data.

414) What do you mean by protocol testing?

Answer: Protocol testing validates the structure of packets sent over a network in domains OD

switching, wireless, VoIP and Routing using protocol testing tools.

415) How would you test free online video making software?

Answer: video making software that help create vide os online, the features are written on the website.

Testers can verify these features by creating use cases and scenarios that cover these features and

executing them.

416) Write test cases for PDF to PNG converter software

Answer: Following are few test cases for converting pdf document into png document.

Document with pdf format should only allowed to upload

The conversion should instantly take place and should have preview option so that one can view

converted image and font inside the document properly converted.

The png document should be immediately downloadable

The downloaded image should open instantly and should have all content converted as image.

417) Write test cases on WhatsApp application

Answer: WhatsApp are mobile application to communicate between two friends or more group of people

by sharing text, image, video or audio files.

WhatsApp application should able to quickly download in mobile

WhatsApp numbers should be present in Contact List to send messages to that number from mobile via


The message received should be from whatsapp number may not be present in contact list of mobile.

WhatsApp should allow typing text

WhatsApp should allow attaching image(s)

WhatsApp should allow video and audio file(s)

WhatsApp should able to send or receive text, image, video or audio files.

The received files should able to download to the mobile’s storage and viewer should able to read or view

these files

WhatsApp should have notification of receipt of new files, give status of time of receipt a nd provide status

of read files to the sender.

WhatsApp web application should be accessible on scanning the image using registered mobile on which

WhatsApp application has been installed.

418) Write test cases on Google Drive

Answer: Google Drive allow you to save, share and exchange files or documents with click of a button.

In order to access Google Drive, you should have Google account

User should able to upload file to Google Drive and should store the file instantly

User should able to share file to particular person by adding their email addresses

The sharable link of file on Drive should able to be sent via email

On clicking shared link, the file should able to open in read only format The

shared file should able to get downloaded.

419) What is a difference between Arrays and collection in Java?

Answer: The differences between Arrays and Collection in Java are listed below

Array Collection

Arrays are fixed in size

Collections are dynamic in size, its size

increases or decreases based on entered


Arrays are not recommended to use as it runs

on computer’s memory

Collection are recommended to use as it does

not utilize computer’s memory

Arrays are recommended to use as it gives good


Collection are not recommended to use as

performance is reduced on use of collection

Arrays are able to hold homogeneous data types Collection uses both homogeneous and

heterogeneous elements

There is no underlying data structure for

arrays and no supporting methods

Collection has standard data structure and

methods support.

Arrays can hold both object and primitive type

of elements.

Collection can hold only objects not

primitive type of data

420) Write test cases on Sharefile / Fileshare software

Answer: ShareFile is a file sharing application that help share maximum document size upto 100 GB, for web

based as well as mobile

ShareFile should allow access to software and use its features for free for first 30 days after to

registered users

During trial period the number of document accepted for sharing will be limited

File should be shared and received successfully to recipient even during trial period

On expiration of free trial period the ShareFile should not allow sharing of any document

Once you pay the per month or per annum fees, the Share File should allow sharing of files and size upto

100 GB as agreed by conditions

Registered User should able to change password as well as retrieve forgotten password via mobile or

registered email instantly.

User should receive a reminder in email as well as mobile sms before 15 days of expiration of plan


421) What is an advantage of using collection over arrays?

Answer: Array are fixed in size, whereas Collection are dynamic in size, allowing additional elements or

removal of elements, Collection are preferred to use over Array as consume more computer’s memory. Array

only hold homogeneous data types whereas Collection handles both homogeneous and

heterogeneous data as well. Collection has standard data structure and methods to support compared to

Array which does not have any data structure or methods.

422) What are differences between class and interface?

Answer: Following are the differences between Class and Interface

Class contains attributes and behaviors of an object, whereas Interface contains behaviors that a class


Class may contain abstract as well as concrete methods, whereas Interface contains only abstract


Class can be instantiated whereas Interface can never be instantiated

423) How would you plot a pie chart between two parameters SalesAmt vs Years using spreadsheet

say MS Excel?

Answer: Charts are used to give pictorial / graphical representation of item vs price.

In excel spreadsheet where you will have a list of items and corresponding price or rate in two columns.

Hence select Item and price columns, then select Insert (next to Home tab) from menu tab, select Pie – &

select 2D Pie.

A Pie Chart will display circle divided into arcs of different colours,

Right click this chart & select “Add Data Labels”,

It will display Prices labels to each of the coloured arc in circle

424) Have you heard of Headless Testing?

Answer: Headless testing bypass or ignore GUI and communicates directly with application’s backend or

service by sending request and receives response back using HTTP protocol using internet. Some

Examples of headless technology are HTTP databases, web services and Java Messaging services.

425) Why API testing is so important over Graphical user interface testing?

Answer: Pre-agile, time spent after automation to validate functional and graphical user interface

element locating and verifying their features in handling input data in variety of types like text, radio button,

drop down, in form of arrays with radio button and multiple values selection l ike comma

separated values etc. It is extremely frustrating when with user requirement change, element are

changed from single value selection as in drop down replaced with multiple value selection from

dropdown list, xpath does change and locating DOM elements again becomes tough.

API tests bypass GUI tests and verify sent request communicating with database and received response

using HTTP protocol making sure integration tests communicate efficiently and data transfer is

seamless. Hence API tests are important.

426) Give name of API testing tools other than SOAPUI and Postman

Answer: Apache JMeter, Katalon Studio and Citrus few API testing tools

427) What are few important queries to enquire before automating a web service?

Answer: There are few important points to consider before automating a web service

Web service to be tested responds with correct values – i.e. the values returned as a response are valid and

expected as response output?

Sending a request and receiving a response is that what is expected as communication across client and

server or client and database?

Response time taken by service to send back a response to the user- this is extremely important in case

of online transactions done via mobile and links clicks from sms.

How capable web service is in handling unexpected user loads? Say if multiple requests are handled

properly or not.

In case, bad or invalid corrupt data, how service be have s?

428) Explain web service terminologies

Answer: web service terminologies are as listed below

XML – xml allow user to share structured data across various systems over internet

WSDL – wsdl provides information how to access web services

SOAP – soap is a protocol to exchange information or data to and from web services using xml format

SOA – Service oriented architecture (SOA) is way in which software can be organized to respond

marketplace requirement.

REST – REST is a light weight option that is used along with HTTP protocol to develop web service.

429) What are elements of SOAP message?

Answer: SAOP message is in xml format and is made up of SOAP envelope, Header and Body

430) What is an importance of Cookies ?

Answer: Although web services use HTTP protocol to communicate between client and server, or various

applications. HTTP is stateless and is independent of previous requests i.e. it does not remember the

state of request.

Cookies keep track of state from previous request for a session, when visitor revisits the website,

his/her info stored in cookies is sent back to browser, thereby help website identify returning visitor to their


431) What are main requirement for web service to be RESTful?

Answer: For web service to be Restful, there should be a separate client and server, and use stateless

protocol like HTTP.

432) What is phishing?

Answer: It is way of stealing confidential information such as Addhar Card, PAN card, credit card, 4 digit PIN,

in pretext of an give away lucrative offer of in exchange of these information.

Scammer contacts the prey via email and gives very attractive offer such as lottery, by clicking a link

which transmits confidential information which is directed to device that deducts amount from banking

account. It is essential to use HTTPS (S stands for Secured) sites while accessing online shopping.

433) What is test driven testing?

Answer: Test Driven testing involves creating scenarios and real world Examples as test case or use case in

collaboration with testers, developers and end users of an application even before code is created.

The test data required based on these scenarios, Unit tests should be created systematically. TDD helps test

application with automation script.

434) What is task scheduler in Windows?

Answer: Task scheduler is a utility that allow schedule and run automated tasks on w indows machine.

435) How gaming software is tested?

Answer: Tester plays gaming software on gaming platforms and explores all menus and modes of play, such

as beginner, intermediate, advanced from beginning to end to uncover any hidden defects in

gaming software.

436) What gaming platforms are used to test gaming software?

Answer: various gaming platform like PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Wii and desktop are used to play


437) What are test techniques for testing gaming software?

Answer: To test gaming software testers can test functionality, combinatorial, Ad Hoc, compatibility, clean

room and tree testing, regression and performance testing of gaming software.

438) What is visual testing?

Answer: Unlike functional testing visual testing is automated type of testing of software from visual


439) What are the requirements of ETL testing?

Answer: ETL tester should have clear understanding of ETL mapping and trasformations, state of source

data, diagnose correct data and clean or remove bad data from source, creation of multiple tests for

data validation, selection of good data source supporting ETL tool, monitoring ETL jobs and exception

handling, capturing logs and keep alert messages, and performance in ETL processes are key

requirement for ETL testing.

440) Can you think of some areas where very huge data exchange take place?

Answer: Best Examples of huge data exchange are

Video on-demand streaming services you can subscribe like Amazon Prime, Disney plus Hotstar, NetFlix, Voot etc.

Big Data like 3G, 4G, voice and data providers like Jio, Airtel, Vodafone etc.

Traffic, Health industry, census, transportation and Logistics are few other Examples of big data

exchange in form of information.

441) Give Examples of some of the Big Data databases

Answer: Casandra, Hive, HBase, MongoDB are few Examples that are open source big data database.

442) Give some Example of unstructured data?

Answer: Examples of unstructured data are log files, social media posts, audio, video and image files.

443) What is log4j use in Java program?

Answer: log4j is a tool that provide log statement for java program which helps debug the unit of code and to

locate any exception during execution of program.

444) Name few cloud service providers

Answer: Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) is the top cloud service provider, followed by Google Cloud

services, IBM Cloud, Verizon, Microsoft Azure are top players in cloud services.

445) What are the components of AWS?

Answer: main components of AWS are listed below

Route 53 is a DNS web service

Amazon S3 is data storage interface

Simple Email service a hosted email service using Restful API calls

Identity and Access Management (IAM) – create and manage users access permission

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provide virtual server, configure security, storage and network and on-

demand computing resources

Elastic Block Store (EBS) creates storage volumes and attaches to EC2 instance

CloudWatch – help monitor multiple instances such as EC2, RDS, S3, etc. remotely

446) Do you know any Java web services framework?

Answer: Apache Axis2, Jersey, Jetty, Jackson are some of the Java web services framework.

447) Give an Example for simple join.

Answer: Simple or inner join condition in case of multiple tables, there exists at least o ne column

common in both tables, matches the join condition and return only those records that match with records

of other table.

Example for Simple Join or Inner join is as given below

Student Table

Std_id first_name last_name course_id class_id

1 Ajit Mohan 101 First_Year

2 Anil Jhave ri 101 First_Year

3 Shanaya Sharma 102 First_Year

4 Shrikant Vyas 101 Second_Year

5 Yashashvi Maheta 103 Second_Year

6 Madhav Shah 102 Second_Year

Course Table

course_id Course_name Course_startdate

101 English Grammer 01/07/2019

102 Business English Speaking 05/07/2019

103 French and English 11/07/2019

Select first_name, last_name, course_name from Student Inner

Join Course

On Student.course_id = Course.course_id;

first_name last_name Course_name

Ajit Mohan English Grammer

Anil Jhave ri English Grammer

Shanaya Sharma Business English Speaking

Shrikant Vyas English Grammer

Yashashvi Maheta French and English

Madhav Shah Business English Speaking

448) where will you use left join

Answer: Use of Left Join can be done in certain scenarios like say which department has no employee. For

that take a look at following records in department and employee table.

Department Table

dept_id dept_name emp_id

1000 Sales 1000

2000 Human Resources 1002

3000 Accounts 1003

4000 Operations 1004

Employee Table

emp_id emp_Name hiredOn

1000 Satish Mane 2010-08-15

1001 Suchitra Shah 2012-01-31

1002 Ashok Pandey 2015-05-25

1003 Nayana Jadhav 2011-09-20

Select department.dept_name, Employee.emp_name from Department

Left Join Employee On Department.emp_id = Employee.emp_id;

dept_name emp_name

Sales Satish Mane

Human Resources Ashok Pandey

Accounts Nayana Jadhav

Operations NULL

Left join in above scenario gives information about which department has no employee!

449) where will you use right join

Answer: Use of Right Join can be done in certain scenarios like say which employee has no department. For

that take a look at following records in department and employee table.

Department Table

dept_id dept_name emp_id

1000 Sales 1000

2000 Human Resources 1002

3000 Accounts 1003

4000 Operations 1004

Employee Table

emp_id emp_Name hiredOn

1000 Satish Mane 2010-08-15

1001 Suchitra Shah 2012-01-31

1002 Ashok Pandey 2015-05-25

1003 Nayana Jadhav 2011-09-20

Select department.dept_name, Employee.emp_name from Department

Right Join Employee On Department.emp_id = Employee.emp_id;

dept_name emp_name

Sales Satish Mane

NULL Suchitra Shah

Human Resources Ashok Pandey

Accounts Nayana Jadhav

Right join in above scenario gives information about which employee has no department!!

450) Give an Example for full join

Answer: Full Join condition gives information from multiple table, In this case we have department and

employee tables.

Department Table

dept_id dept_name emp_id

1000 Sales 1000

2000 Human Resources 1002

3000 Accounts 1003

4000 Operations 1004

Employee Table

emp_id emp_Name hiredOn

1000 Satish Mane 2010-08-15

1001 Suchitra Shah 2012-01-31

1002 Ashok Pandey 2015-05-25

1003 Nayana Jadhav 2011-09-20

Select department.dept_name, Employee.emp_name from Department

Full Join Employee On Department.emp_id = Employee.emp_id;

dept_name emp_name

Sales Satish Mane

NULL Suchitra Shah

Human Resources Ashok Pandey

Accounts Nayana Jadhav

Operations NULL

Full join in above scenario gives information about Who is an employee without department and which

department has no employee in it.

451) What Java Script is used for?

Answer: JavaScript is a scripting language which was primarily used for form level validation, but has

been used in various other areas like DOM element handling, visualization, server side scripting and

online exams to verifyAnswers selected by students, and other JavaScript libraries such as JQuery, Dojo,

Angular JS, MooTools, and D3 .js

In unit testing namely Jasmine, Mocha etc.

452) Name some of the JS libraries used in client side programs

Answer: Various JavaScript libraries used in Client side programs are Dojo





453) What are Apache Tomcat components

Answer: It has Servlet container called Catalina, HTTP connector called Coyote and Jasper is a JSP engine.

454) What is Catalina in Tomcat?

Answer: Catalina is tomcat’s servlet container that implements microsystem specifications for servlets and

java server pages

455) what can be used to handle multiple elements, in absence of Collection classes and interfaces?

Answer: We can use Arrays, Vectors or Hashtables, before Java 1.2 introduced Collection classes and


456) What is List?

Answer: List interface in Collection framework is an ordered collection of objects, where duplicate

values are allowed. List keeps track of order of insertion, it is easier to insert new elements or access the

elements present in the list.

457) What is Set?

Answer: Set interface from java.util package, extends Collection framework is an unordered collection of

objects, in which duplicate elements are not allowed.

458) Difference between List and Set

Answer: List and Set both are collection interface from java.util package. List is an ordered collection of

objects that may contain duplicate values. Whereas Set is unordered collection of objects which are

unique as set does not allow duplicates.

459) What is Array List?

Answer: ArrayList are dynamic arrays in Java, allowing us to randomly access the list. They cannot be

applied on primitive data types, we need to use wrapper class for such cases.

460) What is Linked List?

Answer: Linked List is a linear data structure, the elements are linked using pointers, be nefit of using linked

list over arrays is Linked List are of Dynamic size, and it is easier in linked list to insert new

elements or remove elements.

461) What is similarities and difference between class and interface

Answer: Like class, interface can have methods and variables, but methods in interface are always

abstract (i.e. has only signature, without any body). Interface is blue print of class, and specifies how class

should work and not be doing.

462) what is a command to print out comments information in Linux?

Answer: command to print out comments in linux or Ubuntu is echo.

463) How would you view file kept in machine having Linux operating system?

Answer: command to view file over Linux operating system is cat.

464) I want to read a file one page at a time in Linux, what command should I use?

Answer: In order to read one page at a time, the command is less

465) I want to find out what were the first 10 lines of text file, what command should I use in Linux?

Answer: the linux command to read first 10 lines of text file is Head.

466) Tell me a command to read last 10 lines of say log file in Linux

Answer: the command to real last 10 lines of log file would be Tail.

467) I want to create an empty text file, what command you think I should use in Linux?

Answer: In order to create empty text file, Linux command would be touch filename.

468) I want to copy all files and directories to the destination directory, tell me Linux command

Answer: cp –r path_till_file path_to_destination

469) What is a command to display ip address of your system?

Answer: you can use a command to display ip address of system hostname -i

470) I tried using ifconfig command to find out my ip address, but it did not display, how can I still get

IP address using ifconfig.

Answer: As ifconfig command has been deprecated, you still can use it on Ubuntu by installing net-

tools, sudo apt install net-tools, now you can use ifconfig command.

471) What is ping command in Linux?

Answer: ping command in Linux is a utility used to check status of connectivity between the source and

destination, eg. ping, will check if there is a network connected between client machine

and web site, there by what is a latency i.e. time it takes for the requests from client

machine to access Google site for searching is sent and response are received properly or not.

472) How would you resolve the issue, if your chrome browser stops working?

Answer: You should verify following steps recommended, if chrome stop s working

Check the Chrome is up to date by entering chrome://settings/help in browser address bar to find out the


Check Chrome Task Manager, by pressing Shift + Esc key, that display open tabs, and memory each tab is


Close the tab, and select the URL from the address bar, copy it and paste it in browser opened afresh.

Restart the Chrome browser – by pressing Alt+F4 on windows

Delete the cache and other browser data by going to Chrome Setting, Privacy and Security and click on

Clear browsing data, select Time range as All time, delete browsing history and check other selected

items and click on Clear data button

Check your computer for any malware, install antivirus software to protect your system

Check with your system admin if problem still persists.

473) what is nslookup command in windows used for?

Answer: nslookup domain_name, say nslookup is a windows command to know IP address

associated with the domain name, or reverse eg nslookup will give domain name linked with the

IP address, i.e. yahoo.

474) What is Regex and where can you use them?

Answer: Letters, digits, punctuation and symbols like !@#$% etc. as well as Unicode characters all listed in

ASCII tables. Regular expressions are writing patterns that match specific sequence of characters.

They can be used to extract information from text from log files, spreadsheets, documents or code.

475) Have you used JMeter before and what did you test using JMeter?

Answer: If youAnswer No being honest in case you have not used JMeter before, but then in that case

you are notAnswering the question. You can instead say I know about JMeter that it is open source load and

performance testing tool.

476) Why do you use Thread Group in JMeter?

Answer: Thread groups are used to simulate user behavior with an application, as well to determine flow

or steps carried out by user to accomplish some features.

477) Why we use timer in JMeter?

Answer: When user manually use an application or web site, by clicking the mouse on bu ttons, entering

information into the text field etc. there are pauses and delays. These pauses or delays can be simulated using


478) How would you achieve page refresh by press of a single key?

Answer: When we press F5 key, page gets refresh or reloaded. This is often used when a browser kept

running for a long, may get freeze. It is required to refresh the browser page.

479) What is a difference between Alt+Tab and Ctrl+Tab?

Answer: Pressing Alt+Tab switches between open programs like switching between an open browser and

another program say document processing software.

Ctrl+Tab will switch between tabs in a program. For Example multiple tabs opened in your chrome or

firefox browser, Ctrl+Tab switch between these tabs.

480) What are features?

Answer: features are characteristics or nature of software in which it be have s. in order to perform

certain task or actions features are used. In case of car the features offered can be radial tyres, Kappa

Engine, Power brakes, power steering etc. thereby increases product ratings and salability.

481) What is a functionality of software or any product?

Answer: Functionality of a software or any other product is fulfilling a requirement expected by a user.

Example, an electric geyser is supposed to supply hot water within few seconds of opening a tap.

Functionality is often compared as performance.

482) What is root cause analysis?

Answer: In software testing, to analyze or evaluate the reason for the particular defect is known as root cause.

The brain storming or discussion is carried out to identify root cause for the defect. The root

cause analysis is also applied to understand and go in depth of a problem and find out ways in which

such defects are avoided. Identifying problem area and understanding the reason for its occurrence are often

called root cause analysis.

483) What preventive measures should be taken to design defect free software?

Answer: Unit testing is an essential task where all possible scenarios should be listed and test cases

designed even before coding begins. Each unit of code and integration of various systems should be

repeatedly tested by developers and testers to verify that the software developed is a right one for the

expected solution.

484) What is Data warehousing Testing?

Answer: Testing data for integrity, reliability, accuracy and consistency as per Organization’s data


485) What is an importance of BI?

Answer: BI or Business Intelligence is a process of collecting raw data and turning it into meaningful business

information, that can be stored and useful analysis can be derived using various reports, data mining and

interpretation known as Predictive Analysis.

486) What are the benefits of data warehouse as a solution to store and gather data across various


Answer: ToAnswer above question, take an Example of Retail store, different departments like sales,

marketing, logistics, if act independently, there will be data is distributed in each of the departments and

duplicates adding into database, instead. Storing information from different department and

bringing a common platform and convert these data into valuable information is called as Data ware


487) What is ETL process

Answer: ETL is extraction of data, Transforming a data and Lo ading a data from source to data

warehouse. Data is extracted from various sources, getting clean, normalized and transformed or

converted using tools, and inserted into data warehouse as valuable information to be utilized in

analytical reports in known as ETL process.

488) What is a data structure?

Answer: data structure is a technique to organize data so that it can be used efficiently.

489) What operations can be performed on various data structures?

Answer: Following operations can be performed on data structures Add

new data item in to data item collection

delete existing data item from data item collection

access each data item at least once in order to process it

find out location of data item if that item exists in data item collection

Arranging data item in some order like ascending or descending for numeric data

490) What are basic types of data structure?

Answer: Data structure is divided into two types

Linear and Non Linear

When elements of data structure form linear list or sequence like Array, List, Stack and Queues,

computer memory is arranged in linear way.

When nodes traverse is of nonlinear nature, like Graph and Trees.

491) What would you test zoom before an interview?

Answer: There are few very essential feature of zoom that needs to be verified before going ahead with a

zoom interview or meeting

Availability of Desktop or laptop computer

Arrangement of external internet like sharing mobile data, hotspot or wifi connectivity, in case there is an

issue with network connection

Check your headphone settings like can you listen what is asked to you and be heard clearly by caller In

case of power failure, can you transfer the meet in your mobile or not?

Do you have web cam display clear image of yours?

Do you have Hi speed broadband connection where you can reconnect if connection is lost Are

you aware of screen sharing and video capturing features?

492) What are requirements for testing Electronics medical reports or equipments related to

healthcare industries?

Answer: In addition to software testing experience, HIPAA compliance and other understanding of

medical healthcare industry like human safety and hygiene related knowledge is mandatory.

493) What file sharing software you know that are available in market?

Answer: There are few very good file sharing software that are free to use available on Google Playlist,

Google Drive,





494) What role does UX and UI play in an application?

Answer: Role played by user experience designer in implementing user interface, such a way that

exploring software will be an interesting and wonderful experience. The interfaces should be user

friendly, with not more than 3 input elements like text field, checkbox/radio button, dropdown in order to fetch

records, The page should remain stable after final report has been displayed, There should not be long wait to

connect or receiving response. API used should be extremely efficient and complete the task quickly and

acknowledge the transaction.

495) What online education sites you know that are available in market?

Answer: There are few sites that offer school subject courses like maths, science and language,

competitive exams like JEE, NEET, GRE and GMAT


Khan Academy,



496) What online video streaming platforms in India you have used or aware of?

Answer: Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+Hotstar, Zee5, Voot are some of the OTT platforms I am aware of.

497) What are common video formats and when to use them?

Answer: Following are the video formats and their use AVI

– Audio Video Interleave used in TV and computers FLV

/SWF – Flash Video Format

MOV – Apple’s QuickTime Movie format, used on Canon DSLR cameras

MP4 – developed for low-bandwidth compression, supported by YouTube, Face Book, Instagra m. WMV –

Windows Media Video, is smallest size video format, suitable for sharing it on email

498) What is the use of Grep command in linux ?

Answer: Grep command in Linux help to search particular string in the file. The command can be used as


grep http filename

Where http is a word that is searched

Filename is the name of file in which word is being searched

499) How will you justify your position as Quality Engineer?

Answer: Such a question are usually asked by an interviewer who can be your im mediate reporting

manager, if hired. You shouldAnswer this question as Why should we hire you as Quality Engineer. You can

list your positive points so that you justify your position as quality engineer.

500) What would you feel when your product is appreciated by clients?

Answer: I would feel as rewarded on being appreciated, for all the effort I have put in making product as

expected by end users, standing out and exceeds their expectation. Client or end user experience is a

valuable input for product or services.

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